So sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. Not like anyone cares but I have been stressed lol.
Since it is pride month!!! 😆🙌 I decided to ask the teachers at my school and other lovely peeps some related questions like: Your opinion on the LGBT+ community? Opinions on homophobia? Would you ever go to pride if a friend asked?
I had no reason to do this but for fun. Most answered really politely and had nothing against any of it. Most teachers have even gone to pride with friends. So this is good right? But I would have wanted more range of opinions tbh. Even tho I do not want nastys to populate earth. Whoops lol.
Anyway I know this is late being published but I'm a depressed lil shit so be patient if you care bout this. I totally just went off topic. The questionnaire was fun I guess and they wanted me to extend the questions but I couldn't be bothered. Nevermind!Lol thanks for reading
Bisexual and proud
AléatoireThis is all about parts of my life that include interesting(maybe) stories about my sexuality