It will rain

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A word is a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing used with others to form a sentence. A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself , typically containing a subject and predicate .
No .
Nothing before , nothing after .. just .. No .
No isn't just a word , it's a complete sentence without any further explanation . No means no .
There are many ways to say no without saying the simple two lettered word . Like stop . Stop means no . I don't want to means no . Leave me alone means no . Im not ready .. No . I don't feel like it . No . Don't . No . But none of the less .. no means no .
No question . No tone of voice , no change in face , or breathing patterns change the fact that no means no .
Respect plays a big part in understanding the word No . But respect isn't what everyone is taught .
Yes on the other hand .. Yes means only one thing .. Freely given consent where a persons needs , wants , and desires are a fundamental part of the interaction .
People hear the word yes , and fly with eagerness to proceed whatever was given the okay . Why is it such a hard time for people to accept no ? Why is No not the safe word anymore ? Why don't people stop at no ? Is it because some people are taught to never take no for an answer ? To take what they want ? Someone takes something special from you ignoring your no and in karma .. But not all believe in karma so they continue to take and ignore and force against your no ... What happens when something of theirs is taken ? Something important and special to them ? What happens when their no isn't taken seriously ? Is that fair ? Some may say yes .. yes it is fair . The consent of this mishap is given and is okay for this to happen because I said yes . Don't feel bad for my yes because it isn't fair to another's no , feel bad for my no that was forced and ignored . Not everyone has the same mindset to understand ..
Right from wrong ..
Respect and disrespect .
Rape is wrong .
Respect is gone .
No means no .


Monday , September 13th 2016 4:20 AM

I can't sleep . It's too hot . And I can't open the window because of bugs .

I sat up a little and stared at my room door . I wanted to get up and walk downstairs to the living room where there is air conditioning , but I couldn't .
Not that I couldn't , like physically .. but mentally . My mind wouldn't allow my legs to slide from underneath the covers and walk towards the door . I think my brain is still sleeping .. And yes it would be smart to take the covers off me so I won't be hot , but I have to sleep with them over me at all times .

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes .

Where's my phone ? I thought to myself .
I stuck my hand under my pillow , grabbed my phone and pressed the home screen to see nothing . No missed calls , texts , emails , streaks , Facebook messages or notifications . Not even a game notification . Just the pictures of the cupcakes me and Jayce made that I put as my lock screen .
There's literally no light in here , yet my phone can still recognize my face enough to unlock .  Amazing . I opened up Snapchat and took a picture of my ceiling to send to my streaks .
Can't sleep streaks 🤷🏽‍♂️ who's up with me ?
No one . I shifted my body to the side , placing my phone back under my pillow when
*vvv vvvv*
my phone vibrated . I slid it from under my pillow and stared at it blankly .
I rubbed my blurry eyes and looked down at my phone to see Mila , one of my work friends streaked me back .
I opened it .
Hey Janae 💓 what's keeping you up ?
Heat . I snapped her back a bitmoji of me fanning myself .
I put my phone back under my pillow and closed my eyes . Relax . I told myself . Just go back to bed .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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