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The klaxon blared announcing the legion was under attack. It was time for war.

The engines fired up loudly as they struggled to redirect power to the weapons and still keep energy flowing to the life support, I knew what they were planning on doing. See, this ship has one massive cannon, capable of taking out an entire legion of ships. So I had approximately 30 seconds before it fired, 50g's of force whipped through me and the life support crashed. I stood paralyzed in fear upon realization that if I didn't get to a life support shell I would be killed in some damned horrible ways. The Foundation sure had a funny way of respecting upper command, I mean, why one of those lieutenants haven't tried to even warn me about the weapon firing is beyond me. Some people are definitely getting fired for this little trick. Oh no, the hyperdimensional drive in the main weapon had just spun up. "T MINUS 10 SECONDS TILL FIRING!" the sirens wailed at me. I spotted the only remaining life support shell. If I could just get to it! Just 5 seconds. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Hissss. Clank. Shut. I made it. I got in the shell, and I didn't die a horrible death, splattered on the nearest wall. Why don't they have sensors for this sort of thing, it is ridiculous! I have to get to engineering on this, they should have something for this.


Thank god, the ship fired. It did leave it a bit long though... I wond.. CRRRAAACCKK! Oh damn. That is not supposed to happen. My earpiece buzzed to life. "Corridors 7 - 12 have been sealed, Oxygen percentage dropping to 10%. Please seek the nearest escape pod and prepare for emergency evacuation. We have suffered critical damage, I repeat, we have suffered critical damage, please refrain from pani.." *hiss of static*. Darn earpiece. I start slamming open the pod, realizing that this ship will no longer be exchanging blows with the enemy ships. It finally cracks open, like an egg shell. The first thing I notice is how cold the ship is, jeez, did someone send the air con into overdrive? And a definite breeze... What corridors did the ship say again? I quickly scan the chipped and dirty wall, and I spot a faded number 8. You have got to be kidding me. Twice in one day? God must hate me today. "Emergency suit... emergency suit... Emergency suit?" I quietly murmur, whilst scanning the corridor for a suit to protect me from the harmful vacuum. I find the suit, but it is cracked and clearly past it's expiry date, where is the health and safety inspector when you need her? It'll do, so I slip it on hastily, knowing every second is closer to my probable death.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Gliese 1214 b? Isn't that one of those water planets. Hmm... I think the suit has some gills in it, so I will be ok I suppose.. Wait a minute, hydrogen and helium atmosphere? Oh for god sakes that is useless! I will be stuck in the oceans unless I wanna sound like some sort of weird comedian with the most annoying voice ever, oh yeah, and unless I want to die from hypoxia as well. That's pretty important. *hiss of static* "...will be crash landing on gliese..." *more static* "in t minus 1 minute". I really need to quickly find some oxygen tanks and some beacons if I have any hope of surviving this crash. I start by scouring the corridor for beacons as that is my main concern, my gills (when I say gills, I mean the extractors that pull oxygen from water, not fish gills) in the suit will provide the oxygen in the ocean. I find the beacons in 10 seconds and then I start looking for some duct tape, it is still good, even if it is seven hundred and thirty two years old, I find some pretty quick, in about five seconds, and in another ten seconds my suit is patched up. Once I patched up my helmet I looked for a pair of light oxygen tanks, when I am waiting for evac off the planet, I checked the emergency supply, yep one half a tank. Something is out to get me today. I picked it up anyway and strapped it onto my back. "T minus 15 seconds to impact, please find a secure loc..." *hiss of static*. Why is my earpiece so faulty, or maybe the ship is so damaged... I need to get out of this corridor, now!

First though, if I have any chance of surviving I will need a compact oxygen compressor and a nuclear battery to power my equipment.

"I will have that, thank you very much!" Finally, something went right and I found both pieces of equipment, albeit, the nuclear battery was a little old, it would suffice. "... T minus 10 seconds to impact..."

"I will get out the corridor, I will get out the corridor, I will get out the corridor..." I chanted, willing myself to get out, I could feel the heat rising in the corridor. We were coming in fast, real fast.

"LET ME IN! LET ME IN, PLEASE GOD, JUST LET ME IN!" I slammed against the door with fury and frustration, I wanted to live today, I had to live today!

"T Minus 3"




"please open the door...."





Thank you for putting the time and effort into reading the first chapter of my book, I hope you enjoyed it thoroughly, and I will be updating it as soon as I can. I am sorry if my upload schedule is strange, however it is out of my hands and largely due to the fact that I can only write on desktop 9.74762542045243121021543123202195434322% of the time. The other 81.25237457954756878978456876797804565678% of the time I am on mobile which is a pain in the backside to write on.

Ps. another chapter is coming very soonish so stay tuned.

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