Part 16

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Lana POV
I woke up to somebody tapping my shoulder. I looked up " hey Jesy" " How is she" She asked while looking at Leigh " Well the doctor said that she cant have much stress. She has some weird sickness that send waves to her lungs and closes it off. H did give us medicine to help cure it. If she ever feels like it's getting harder and harder to breath just give her this. " I she her the inhaler. She nods. I just want her to be ok. I didn't realize was crying until Jesy wrapped her hands around me. " Hey don't cry she's going to be ok. Leigh Leigh is one hell of a fighter. " I give her a nod. I'm not in the mood to talk. " Lana take a nap. When Leigh find you haven't slept you know she wot be happy. She was right and i was tired too. " Lana go home if anything happens I'll call you immediately ok. " "OK ill come back tomorrow morning" I walked out of the hospital and searched for my car keys. " SHIT" I didn't take a car here. I looked at the time. It was close to 11pm. Is it to late to call an uber. Then i heard a car horn. I looked to my right and saw Perrie there " Get in ill take you home. Leigh would be mad at me if I didn't take you home. " I ran to the car " Thanks Perrie" "No problem" I type in my adress on my phone. My house was only 15 minutes away.
15 minutes later
"Thanks again Perrie. I'II see you tomorrow" " Yeah" I wave her goodbye and head on to my house. I went to bed i was too lazy to change out of my clothes. I'll just take a shower in the morning. The moment i got comfortable in bed. I was out.
I woke and and drove to the hospital. I walked in and went to Leigh room. Everybody was crying. My stomach was twisting. I opened the door. Leigh Monroe was off everybody was crying. It hit me My Leigh was dead. I walked up to her lifeless body and hugged her. No this cant be true.

My eyes shot up opened. I had tears streaming down my face. I looked at the time it was 4:00 in the morning. It was just a dream. I looked at my phone Jesy texted me
Doctor said that she has vital stables. She should be awake by morning. She's going to be ok. Ill see you tomorrow.

I let out a breath the I didn't even know that i was holding. She's going to be awake. I wet back to sleep and luckily i had no more bad dreams. BEEP BEEP My eyes flutter open and i look at the clock it was 7:00 in the morning. I anted to be at the hospital at 8:30 or at 9. I got up and went to my closet " What to wear what to wear. " I didn't wante to go out or be spotted by the paparazzi so i went with some black yoga pants and a white shirt. I took about 30 minutes in the shower. I didn't want to put a lot of makeup on. So i just did my eyebrows and did my lips. I was out of the house by 8 ill be able to reach the hospital around 8:30. I grabbed an apple and my car keys. I locked the front door and went into my car. Luckily there was no traffic. I was able to go the hospital in no time. I walked in and went straight to Leigh room. I was hoping that Leigh would be awake when i walked it. Not all wishes come true though. I walked in she was still asleep. The good thing was that the doctor said she will have to be awake by today. That's the one thing that's giving me hope. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 12 pm already. Tim roasted by real fast. My stomach started to grumble. I needed food. I got up to stand up and go the table to go get my purse. I was about to leave when i heard a faint " Wait " I turned around. Leigh eyes were opened and she was starring at me. " LEIGH OMG YOU'RE OK. " " I just came back no need to yell. I say sorry while im laughing. I go to her and hug her. I press the button that calls a nurse to us. Less than 5 minutes a nude was with us. She saw that Leigh was awake and she smiled. She said that she was going to go get a doctor. Less than 0 minutes later. Her doctor came inside. She was talking to Leif while I texted the girls. I made a group chat for all of them. I believe that this was Jades fault. She does have a right to know about Leigh. I texted them
Leigh is awake she wants to see you guys.
I immediately got responses. They said that they were going to some as son as they can. Suddenly my day turned around. My Leigh is awake. I saw that the doctor lefts I went inside. " Hey Leigh i texted the girls they are going to come as soon as they can. " " Ok babe but i heard your stomach growl so I know your hungry. I am too. Can you go get us some food please. " I chuckle I nod my head yes. I grabbed my purse and headed to the cafeteria. I rushed quickly in line. I didn't want to take to long. I was in line for about 20 minutes in total and i had all the food i could get. I requested that they bring the food to our room an that ill just pay them for that. I quickly walked back to her room. You can hear laughter outside the room so i knew that the girls were already here. I walked in and everybody eyes were on me. I snuggles next to Leigh. Not a second later the food arrived. Leigh started eating. As for me i started to drift asleep. I was fighting sleep until Leigh started drawing patterns o my leg. Soon after that i was out like a light

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