a bad habit .

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Alright I said into the phone . As I hung up . My son told me he wanted me & sina too meet up & talk about things . So I want a relationship w/ her . But I'm not finna beg for her to be in my life I don't need her I want her . I got a feeling she gon have a attitude & Ian w/ all that . That's really whack . I mean if I'm trynna be in yo life then let me be because eventually you gon need me in yo life . Because well when she find out what I do for a living she gon be all for it . I smirk . But I think the lil goofy niggas she was w/ look familiar but I can't think where ik them from they look like they gon be a problem. Anyways imma just smoke before I take my shower . I stay in for about a hour & a half . I get out & lotion up & shave & then I looked in the mirror & noticed I had on all black . I then put my shades on . I then grabbed something outta the cabinet & slipped my metal piece into the back of my pants . I headed too my car .

I'm a hour away from Jubans & otr I'm nervous asf

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I'm a hour away from Jubans & otr I'm nervous asf . But Ian finna let none of them know that . Imma boss I do this for a living meeting new people & fighting shooting . If you didn't know I'm the biggest drug dealer in the world . Best part about it is nobody ever seen my face except my son . That's why I need too get him from them because if not it's gon be some shit fr . If he don't fw me no more then I gotta do what I gotta do to protect myself & my company from all outsiders. Anyways I'm here at the restaurant & I call Mon mon & ask where I'm at I tell him he says "alright I'll come outside too get you ."

Mon mon .
I wanna walk pops in here because I know he's nervous & ik when he's nervous he smokes & soo ik this finna go bad now . Imma just tell him too be calm don't get mad or spazz out but idk . He got shades on so now I can't even see his eyes to tell how much he been smoking . Fuck . We at the door & I didn't even get a thing out .

Sina .
So me & my boyfriend now & kentrell & dime are at the table laughing & joking. Next thing ik I see the devil himself . He walks in w/ shades on like he so mfn fly . He comes in here w/ something like a stank attitude. I just look at him in disgust. He half smiles . He sits down beside Mon mon . I look at mon mon & he says "be calm long deep breaths." I then look at beenie & he whispers "I got you boo." I say "so no ones gonna speak?" Sipping on my champagne. He says "I don't know what exactly too say . I know I hurt you & I should've been there I should've took you w/ me along with mon mon. But it was your mother . She & I got into a big argument she wanted me out . She told me to leave . I left but I came back . My plan was to get both of you . But while inside I saw your mother & she was holding you there was no way I could get you outta her arms so I went down to your brothers room & got him & then I heard her moving ig I didn't look & I just ran out the door & behind the bushes waiting for her too leave & close the front door . Then I took him away . Once I got him . After a while I started struggling & stressing . I had too do what I had too do so I started hustling on the streets making fast cash . I couldn't lose my son . Up to this day I never got caught once . I run it now I'm in charge but nobody gets to see my face but my son that's why I need him back ." He said looking too mon mon . Mon mon just said "I can't ." The look on his face when mon mon said that made me smile . The food came & we ate in silence I tell everybody "I'm getting sleepy let's go ." Everybody started getting up . Then he asked mon mon could he ride w/ him . Mon mon was hesitant at first but agreed . I looked down at my phone & told him to text me every second so ik you okay . He nodded . & texted back okay . I smiled then we left . I went & got in the car as we were driving I looked around the car . "I don't got a good feeling about this" Beenie stopped the car . Everybody looked at me I repeated myself so we turned the car around & followed in his route . I started texting his number . He stopped texting back I started crying & my vision got blurry so I couldn't see . Dime screams & says "stop the car, stop the car !" I look too where she's looking at & it's mon mon . Laying in grass covered in blood . I started screaming I took him too the car kentrell grabbed the phone ig it fell he looked at the back & it said "don't work then you dead." I then knew that Derrik did this . I look & he squeezed my hand & said "cc I-I-I love you." Softly . I started crying more . I l-l-love youu tooo . He started choking I told him too breath then he stopped choking && I asked him where was he shot at he pointed to his leg & his chest I took his shirt off && ripped it into two parts I told him this would hurt . I wrapped it around his leg where he'd been shot he grunted in pain . Then I tied it around his chest & tied it tightly . Dime helped . Kentrell was trynna make calls & find out who he was . I told him the full name "Derrik Jamal Evans" him & 3 looked at eachother . I wasn't even worried . I just want my brother too be okay . We pulled up to the hospital not even in a park . I started crying I kissed him on the cheek the doctors took him to the back I just sat down . Everybody came beside me holding me talking too me . I didn't even try too call derrik . Next thing we know...Mon mon phone started ringing . We all look & youngboys pocket && he looked at me giving it too me I answered . Sina can I speak too youngboy . I looked at yb handed him the phone he put it on speaker . Derrik said "uh uh no speaker" he put it too his ear & said .
"Bitch you gone make me show you something
You go against the grain
Send my niggas to bust you up since you think that i'm playing.
Derrik said something back ig . Youngboy said "Catch you slipping down bad and we gone bust your ass-" & Derrik hung up . Youngboy pulled 3 to the side . The doctors came up Evans family...

Yb .
Too this our enemy the mf we been looking for . Wtf . & he threatening us & shit talking bout getting you & me & dime so he can have Sina & do shit too her . 3 face got angry . I walked back out . We both new what we had too do . I looked over at Sina shaking . With a doctor walking towards her . I call 3 over &...

Sina .
"Family of Evans." The doctor said .
I just looked at the man he then came over & I started shaking uncontrollably 3 came & out his arm around me . "He is okay but he's just in shock rn . but before he went into shock . He asked for someone named "sina." The doctor said . I got up & walked over to him & he led me too the room . I sat down looked at him & just cried . He squeezed my hand & said something I couldn't hear && I asked "huh ?" He said derri-........

An; bitch it's retarted . yo girl left widda cliffhanger . 😘 y'all idk what's gotten into me but this the best part I ever wrote & it's all offa my mind as I type . REMEMBER THIS IS A CONTINUING FROM MY OTHER ACCOUT I DIDNT KNOW THE PASSWORD TOO 🙄. I promise you'll love it . Drop ideas & all .
What'll happen too mon mon (Simon) Sina brother ? ☹️What's Derrik up too ? 👀 What are 3 & yb gonna do ? 👀 How will Sina react to this ? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Why'd Derrik shoot mon mon ? Derrik id say you in trouble 😬. Read & find out 😉.
Much love 💙.
1441 words .

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