Joel//how you meet

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Y/n pov//

"Hey y/n there's a big party tonight lets go?!" Daisy said "I don't know about that remember the last time I went to a party Zach cheated on me" I said remembering how painful that experience was "come on Y/n you can find someone new someone hotter"

she tried so hard for you to say yes "ugh fine but you owe me" I gave in "yes okay let's choose an outfit" she said walking into my closet "nothing uncomfortable please" I begged as she looked for our outfits "too bad you have to look hot" she replied "ugh" I go into the bathroom to shave my legs

I go back after shaving and see my outfit (one below)

"No" I said "yes"she said "fine" I rolled my eyes I went and did my hair and makeup someone kinda natural yet fancy

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"No" I said "yes"she said "fine" I rolled my eyes I went and did my hair and makeup someone kinda natural yet fancy

I finished straightening my hair and my makeup so I check the time "8:50" okay party starts at 9:30 so we are good  Daisy walked out of the bathroom all hot and slaying "okay damn! But I thought the party starts at 9:30" I said "I know right! And ...

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I finished straightening my hair and my makeup so I check the time "8:50" okay party starts at 9:30 so we are good
Daisy walked out of the bathroom all hot and slaying "okay damn! But I thought the party starts at 9:30" I said "I know right! And it's a 40 minute drive so hurry and get out of those clothes and change" she said fixing her hair in the mirror

-40 minutes later-

We arrived and it's already packed "I change my mind I wanna go back!" I said "too late" daisy said getting out I get out as well "who's hosting the party?" I asked walking by her said "i don't know I think it's like these five guys" she told me we walked in and the music was blasting, drinks were being made, and games were being played yeah I wanna go home

"I'm gonna go dance" daisy said "what!no don't lea-and you left me" I said okay now I just look lonely I walk into the kitchen to see people making out ew I grab a water and turn around and bump into some "I'm so sorry" we said at the same time "no I'm sorry" we said again we laughed "I'm Erick" he said "I'm y/n" I shook his hand "you look lonely let's go make friends" he said

he pulled me away from the kitchen and into the back yard to the fire pit with 4 other guys and 2 girls and daisy "Hey guys I'd like you to meet Y/n" Erick introduced me my eyes landed on these brown puppy dog eyes his hair was black and curly he was staring at me too I look down "hey I'm Christopher" one with a SnapBack said "I'm Richard" the one holding onto daisy..wait what?! "I'm zabdiel" the other with the 2 other girls said "I'm Veronica" "I'm jessi" the girls said they look at daisy waiting for her to introduce herself "you already know me girl!" She said we laughed

"I'm Joel"

The puppy dog eyes said I smile Erick sits next to Christopher the only spot left is next to Joel so I sat down next to him I stare at the fire becoming warmer as it was a cold night "wanna go dance?" I look up and see Joel was talking to me nobody was paying attention "sure" he grabbed my hand and led me inside began to dance we were so close we were also talking to get to know each other

"I'll get us a drink I'll be right back" he said I nodded I danced alone "aw a pretty girl like you shouldn't be dancing alone" some said grabbing onto my hips I pulled away quickly "I'm not alone it's that he went to grab me a drink" I said trying to leave "don't leave" he grabbed onto my hips and pulled me close he's grip was to strong for me to pull away I smell he's alcohol breathe I get quite scared "come stop being a brat and dance with me you slut" he tighten his grip "leave me alone you dickhead" I yelled "no" he said "hey man she said leave her alone" someone said "and who may you be?" The dickhead asked "her boyfriend" I turn and see Joel I some how managed to get out of dickheads grip and I run into Joel's arms "hey man I'm not looking for any trouble so why don't you leave"Joel said "whatever dude" dickhead said and walked away

"Thank y-" I was cut off "let's go to my room I wanna get to know you more" Joel said as he pulled me upstairs and into a room we sat on the bed "like I was saying..thank you so much I don't know what I would have done without you" I said as I hug him "how can I ever repay you?" I asked "go on a date with me" he said confidently I smile "I would love to"

The rest of the night we talked we laughed until we cried and danced we exchanged numbers and we fell asleep together it was the best night ever

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