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I do not own VOCALOID. Made purely fo practice and entertainment.

With Rin not being at his side, everything seemed not to be the way it is. She was gone. She won't come back until a very long time. They've always sticked together in the fun, sad, cute, stressed, and even bad times. Not being at her side is like he wasn't meant to exist without her.

Half of the Vocaloid family were gone on a special project that involves no communication from the others. Somewhere around the world. His other half was with the others.

Everyone loved Master for creating them and giving them freedom. Rin and Len loved him a lot. But he made a mistake that he didn't know would break the Kagamine's in the inside.
No Voice
No feel
No communication

Inside was like a dark cave. Usually companied by pairs of bats when the difference is one of the partners were gone. He really missed her.

Kagamine Len laid on his bed, with his face buried deep in his pillow and, hopping that hugging it will make the pain go away. The cold bed with no warmth of his mirror image, Kagamine Rin. He didn't even have to turn his head to know that his counterpart's bed was neatly made while his was coming undone from all the moving.
This has got to be a nightmare.
If only he could Lucid Dream.
He heard knocks at the door.

The person responsible for knocking is no ther than Hatsune Miku. By knocking, she hopes to get at least a small responce from the 14-yellow year old Kagamine Len. She has been standing outside THEIR door for some time now, waiting for a small response. She really cared for him and can't bare seeing him in this state.


No response

"Please. Can you come out?"

Again no response

"I really want to make you feel better so is there anything I can do to help?" asked miku with a worried expression. She never thought the yellow, happy, energetic boy would be like this if Rin wasn't around for this much time. No response. "Len-ku-" as Hatsune Miku didn't finish due to the familiar touch of a hand on her shoulder no other than KAITO.

The Blue Vocaloid

She turned around, looking up at him with her worried expression about the boy. In return of exchanges, he only shook his head.

Knowing what it meant, her face saddened. She slowly looked back at the locked door. She began to walk towards it slowly. Then put her right hand on the door and closed her eyes.

She began to sing.

From behind the door, the beautiful melody began to spread all over the room. Even to his ears. Then another voice began to match the melody. A beautiful Melody of Hatsune Miku and KAITO.

But neither of them were Rin. And she wasn't here for her voice to be heard. But the power of the melody seemed so elegant, so soft, and so relaxed, that it made Len feel sleepy. Sleepy from all the yelling, all the crying, and even the temperature of room began to raise a bit warm. As if an angel made out of wind came in the room. Her magic, being lifting his bangs and kissing him on the forehead, assuring that there is nothing to worry about. That's what Rin did to him when he slept earlier than her. Laying his head on the pillow, he began to blink many times. Gently closed his eyes. Sleep finally came to him.

He still slept, not knowing the singing ended. From outside the room, Miku didn't hear a response. But to her curiosity, she heard a faint sound. She gently put her head on the door and listened.
And listened...

The noise of Len's breathing.

She had a warm smile on her face. Signaling Kaito to leave the hallway in advance to not wake up the poor boy, they left.

"I think he needs some time alone." said Kaito. "Yes. I know, but I'm really worried about him. Rin must be the same way too." responded Miku. "We can't let him be like this. Where's our energetic Kagamine when you need him." said Kaito, making Miku feel a bit more better. "Well, we need him to come out tomorrow morning for breakfast. Maybe making his favorite dish will make him feel better." said Miku. Kaito sighed and crossed his arms. "That's if he ever comes out."

He stopped at a door while Miku stopped at a door next to him.

"Oyasumi" said Miku, giving him a little wave of goodbye.

Kaito smiled.


I had this typed up on an account on Deviantart but I feel as if this story were better off here. I hope that I get to update this at least monthly and write longer chapters. I hope that you like this story and comment down below!

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