Everyone Needs A Name

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I sighed as I glared at him with my arms crossed and my eyes narrowed at him. He just stood there smirking as he put his thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans that hung loosely on his waist. Samuel Quinn. The son of Slade Quinn. He looked every bit like his father. Tall, dark hair, naturally tanned skin, muscular, bluish green eyes. But the one thing between Slade and Samuel Quinn is Samuel was a devil in disguise. "He's new. Don't touch him." Samuel said once again as I glared at him. "I will do what I want." I mumbled as the horse frantically paced his stall. "He won't let you. Go groom Willow or one of the calmer horses." I glared at Samuel Quinn as he picked up some hay. "Go on. I gotta put this in his stall or he's going to get angry and I don't need you around to get yourself trampled or scaring him anymore. He's crazy. Stay away from him, Dylin." I rolled my eyes and looked over at the majestic gray horse that wildly tried to get out. I have been around horses most of my life thanks to Mr. Slade. "Did you even name him?" I asked as Samuel rolled his eyes and sighed loudly making sure I heard. "No. He is not staying long so there is no reason to name him." "Everyone needs a name." I growled as Samuel rolled his eyes. "Run along now Major needs to be ridden if you want to do something productive." He smirked knowing I wouldn't ride. I groaned and went into the tack room to grab a lead rope for Major. Once he was hooked up I led him into the fields. Major is a gorgeous black horse with a white spot on his forehead. By far one of my favorite horses here at the Quinn's. I sighed as I looked out and stopped next to Major making him halt. I hadn't rode since that night and it almost killed me not riding now but I just couldn't. Not yet. "Gorgeous horse." An unfamiliar voice said as I turned to see the complete contrast of Samuel Quinn. This boy had blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. His tan made his blonde hair look slightly darker than it already was. And he was tall and muscular but not as tall and muscular as Samuel. "Uh thanks. He isn't mine though." "Oh. Too bad. He seems to like you very much." The boy looked about my age as smiled. I shifted my weight under myself as I stroked Major's long neck. "Yeah. We're good friends." I said rubbing the side of Major's face. "I'm Andrew by the way." "Dylin." I said as I shook the hand he extended out to me. "I was looking for a horse place. I forgot the name." "There's only three around here. The Quinn place. Rancher Fields. And Piper's Horse ranch." I said as he smiled. "The Quinn one. Not a real horse ranch but has horses and work." He chuckled as I nodded. "Yeah Major is actually one of their best horses." "Oh really?" I nodded. "I will show you. Come on." I said as I started leading Major again. "Why don't you ride him back?" He asked as I shrugged. "Need the excerise. You can ride him bareback if you want?" He shook his head as we walked back to the Quinn's stables. "Here is is." I said as he smiled. "Thank you." I nodded as I spotted my oldest brother. "Hey Andy can you take Major and stuff. I need to find Mr. Slade." He nodded as he took Major's lead rope from me. "Know where he is?" Andy raised an eyebrow at me as I shrugged. "Andrew this is my older brother Anderson, but everyone calls him Andy. Andy this is Andrew." The shook hands before I entered the stable thinking Mr. Slade might be in there somewhere. But I found Samuel instead, with the horse he said I couldn't touch. "Nice to see your back. And you brought a friend how lovely?" Samuel growled probably angry with the horse in front of him. I smirked and rolled my eyes. "Probably just wants a name. Now where's your father? I have more important things to do than talk to you." "Rude. We are not naming the horse so don't get any ideas Dylin. And I don't know try his office dummy." I glared at him and rounded a corner a few feet from him to stand in front of a closed door. "That's Samuel Quinn. We don't get along." Andrew just smirked and followed me.

I knocked on the door and heard a quick "Come in" before entering. "Yeah Dylin? Make it quick please I am waiting on a new stable hand." "Well this guy was looking for the stables so here you go." I said before slipping back out as Andrew slipped in. "And please don't name the new horse. He isn't staying Dylin." Mr. Slade called out as I stopped and turned back, poking my head in the door. "Why not?" "Samuel can't do anything with him." I sighed and closed the door before glumly walking back into the stable part of the barn. "He told you the same thing I told you, didn't he Dylin?" I sighed and kicked at the dirt in front of me. "Back of Samuel." I muttered as I walked up to the new horse's stall and watched him as he looked like he was dancing around the stall. "He's wild. There's no taming him. Such a waist. Beautiful two year old with no chance at becoming great. Sounds like you." I kicked Samuel's leg before punching his arm. "You're rude." I yelled as i noticed Mr. Slade and Andrew watching us. Samuel just chuckled as Mr. Slade sighed loudly. "Can't leave them alone for more than a minute. This is our new stable hand guys. Dylin show him around, will you?" I nodded and smiled. "Come on Andrew." I whisked him away to the front of the barn. "Okay this is the feed room. Where all the feed and medicines are. The hose is right here to water the horses and another is on the back by the doors. That's the tack room and that's the spot for the hay. And now let's meet the horses shall we?" He nodded as I smiled. "Okay this is Thunder, he's a 10 year old gelding. Great trail horse but not for kids. Willow is a 6 year old mare, she is from the same parents as Thunder. Then there is Major, he is 4 and my favorite. Rocky is the 16 year old stallion. Reanne is the 15 year old mare over there. Then there is Poppy, Daisy, Rose, Angus, Beau, Atlas, Black Jack, Cyrus, and Digby." I sighed as he smiled. "Poppy, Daisy, and Rose all came from Flower Street hence the flower names. They're all about sevenish. Atlas and Angus came from a sale barn about a year ago. They were foals back then. Beau is a four year old gelding. Black Jack is the oldest horse at seventeen, he thinks he owns the place since he is a retired roping horse. And Cyrus and Digby are our only set of twins. The foal and filly were born here about four years ago and have been causing havoc ever since." I chuckled as he smiled. A nice genuine smile that I couldn't help but want to see again.

"What about him?" Andrew asked pointing to the beautifully majestic gray horse that roamed his stall frantically. "He's new. Came yesterday I think. He is only two but he doesn't have a name." I mumbled as Andrew smirked. "Well every horse needs a name." He said excitingly as I smiled. "Right. But Mr. Slade and Samuel said I couldn't name him. He won't be staying long." Andrew nodded as I smirked. "Technically Mr. Slade asked me not to name him. He didn't say I couldn't. And I don't listen to Samuel. In fact I pretty much do the opposite of whatever he tells me. So let's name him." I mumbled going up some stairs to the loft. "This is the loft, my thinking place. I love it up here. I sighed and sat down grabbing my Bible. "Hmm where should I go?" I just opened my Bible and saw i landed in Ruth. But Ruth is a girl name so im out of luck with that one. I scanned until I fell on the word Boaz. "Boaz." I said as he smiled. "Sounds good." I smiled and replaced my Bible back where I had got it from and practically skipped down the stairs. "Oh Samuel come here." I called out as Bradley and Cameron appeared. "You didn't." I smiled. "Oh Cam and Brad this is Andrew, the new stable hand. Andrew these are my other two older brothers Bradley and Cameron." I said as they all shook hands and Samuel finally came in front of me. He just shook his head in annoyance. "No. You are not naming him because everytime you name them we have to keep them." He groaned as I smiled. "Too late. And that's not true. Yall got rid of Roxie." He rolled his eyes as I bounced to get Mr. Slade. "Wait here." I yelled as I drug Mr. Slade into the middle of the stables along with everyone else. Andy walked up not even a second later. "Oh no. You didn't name the horse." Mr. Slade and Andy said at the same time. I looked at them all in disbelief. "I named him and his name is Boaz." I said writing it on the chalkboard by his stall door. I rested my arm on it and smiled. "Where in the heck did you get that name?" Samuel challenged as I glared at him and smirked. "The Bible. Got a problem with it?" He glared at me as Mr. Slade spoke up. "Dyl we can't keep the horse. He's too wild. Samuel has tried everything." I sighed as I felt a nudge on my hand. I slowly reached up and rubbed the side of his face. "Thought I couldn't touch him."

Samuel's jaw dropped as his nostrils flared. "Oh of course. He lets the demented eighteen year old touch him." I glared at Samuel. "Im not demented and your eighteen too smarty." I slowly tried slipping the halter on but Boaz backed away. "Its okay, boy. Its okay." I whispered touching his face before smiling at Mr. Slade, who looked at me and the horse in disbelief. "Can we keep him?" Mr. Slade looked at Samuel, who shook his head. "Only if you help Samuel train him." "No way. She is not helping me." He said as I glared at him and turned back to the horse with the frightened eyes. "Only for Boaz. I don't and never will like him." I said pointing at Samuel as he rolled his eyes. "Feeling is mutual." Mr. Slade tapped his chin and smirked. "You two have to put your differences aside or he will feel them and never be trained because his two trainers couldn't get along." "I'd rather kiss a pig." He muttered as I smiled. "Lisa's dad just bought one maybe you can go kiss it." I muttered as he glared at me. "Okay tomorrow you two have to come to terms. You cannot work on this horse until you both get along with each other." With that Mr. Slade was gone. I looked over at Samuel who angrily walked away. "Can't believe you named the dumb horse." He yelled as I smirked. "Everyone needs a name, Samuel, or should I just call you boy?" He glared at me before disappearing. Andy, Brad, and Cam just shook their head. "See you at home." They mumbled as I smiled and nodded. Once they left Andrew smiled at me and the horse. "You are right. Everyone needs a name."

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