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Nothing really changes
I'm still living on my broken hinges
Hinges of a door you hit and shook
Trying to open to take back all I took

I love living luxuriously on your love
Too drunk in it to say it's you I unlove
You're about to get hurt
Because empty are all the effort and love I exert

I'm sorry for the inconvenience
The way I broke it down to you is void of lenience
Because I'm just a door
Hiding everything leaving you wanting to see more

You think you had the pass to enter
But dear never did you for I have always been the center
The center of your mind and heart
So you never noticed you're locked out like a spare part

You're a gentle lover
But I'm harsh that's why I lie in the arms of another
But I do come back to you
Because in your eyes our normal routine will just continue

You string words of love delicately
While I deflect it from affecting me genuinely
Because in this game I'm the black widow
Preying on you innocently but you don't have to know

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