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Happy Birthday to Ariana! So so strong 💕💕💕 So thankful to see her grow into such a strong, beautiful human being.

Warning: Cuteness... and Mild Nudity

22nd June 2017.

"Malcolm." I say softly, a smile appearing on my lips as he enters my bedroom.
He has a key to my house, let himself in.

He says nothing, his eyes don't leave mine as he comes towards me and scoops me up from my bed in a large hug.

" I'm going to Paris tomorrow Ari."

" I know baby."

"I'm going to miss your birthday." He says sadly, kissing me meaningfully.

" I know." I take a deep breath, blinking back tears. I'm not usually this emotional. It's just we've been though so much in the past few weeks. Malcolm can't cancel his performances in Europe. He cancelled so many to look after me when I needed him most.

He hugs me once more.
"So I decided Ariana, that we can celebrate your birthday together today."

I gasp as he takes a box out of his pocket.
"Tiffanies!" I exclaim. "Oh my luv Malcom! You didn't!"

He watches me open the box excitedly. My eyes widen as inside is a beautiful ♡ shaped necklace. Made from diamonds!

I practically jump on my boyfriend

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I practically jump on my boyfriend. Showering him in kisses.
" You like it?" Mac chuckles.
"Malcolm. I ADORE it!"
I sit in his lap, he puts it on for me gently, sealing the moment with a kiss. We cuddle on my bed for a while.

"There is something else for you babydoll." He whispers in my ear. I get shivers.

"You are amazing." I smile wide.

He lifts me off his lap and gets up. "Follow me beautiful." I take his outstretched hand and he leads me out of the bedroom downstairs.

There is a trail of rose petals on the floor. We follow the trail downstairs and he leads me to the sitting room. "Baybeee" i muse as I see what he has done. He has laid soft blankets and cushions over the couch and set up my favorite films to watch on the DVD player.

"I love you Babydoll."

"Malcolm I love you tooo."

We share a bag of SkinnyPop and watch breakfast at Tiffanies. One of my favorite films from my late teens. Now and then he showers me with kisses. My neck, under my chin, the love spot beneath my moon tattoo and my lips. He knows how to love me so so good. Eventually I push him away, trying not to get too carried away. He obliges, knowing not to push me into anything. "I'll be back in ten minutes." He whispers halfway through the movie.

"Okay." I look at him suspiciously. He kisses me on the lips with a cheeky grin and then rushes upstairs. 

When he comes down, he is carrying my bathroom robe. I look at him confused with a mixture of excitement.
"You missed the end of the film

"Sorry Ari. I promise that it's worth it." He grinned.

"What is the robe for?"

"Take off your clothes" he replies.

"Sorry, what?"

"Take off your clothes, put this on. I promise you won't be discapointed."

"Okay." I say, blushing.

I take the robe and put it on, turning away from him and letting my clothes slip to the floor. Mac lets out a low whistle and I just chuckle at him, wrapping myself up and turning to face him.

"What now Malcolm?" I ask in excitement.

"Go upstairs Ariana and have a look in your on ensuite. When you are done, I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom." He winks at me and I feel butterflies. I know what he means and I'm so excited. I just can't wait.

Mac disappears off to the kitchen despite my protests, urging me to go upstairs and take a look.
I skip upstairs, Toulouse and Strauss on my heels and get the most amazing surprise at my bathtub.
He didn't!

The gesture warms my heart

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The gesture warms my heart. I shoo my pups out of the bathroom. And soak in the warm water humming moonlight to myself. The petals that swim around me remind me so much of him. The strawberries taste sweet on my lips... but not as sweet as Malcom.

"Mac!" I call from the tub.

"Yes Ari? Ari!"

He rushes in immediately with a worried look on his face. When he sees I'm okay and was just calling for him, his expression softens.

"You are so beautiful." He tells me. Coming close and kissing my lips. "Don't scare me like that again Ariana."

"Okay Mac." I blush.

"Hey, I was wondering, is there anything else I can do for you before I leave tomorrow."

There is a peaceful pause between us.

"Well..." I say softly "There is this one thing."

Our eyes meet and I flash him a knowing glance. I stand up from the water and let him take in my tan body, wet with rose water and glistening as I close the gap between us- .

"You look so good in you birthday suit baby." He says, taking me in his arms and kissing me passionately. I help him undress, running my hands over his warm, dry body.

"You're so dry compared to me." I moan and rose water droplets slip down my skin and he kisses my neck.

"Trust me Ariana, angel, baybeee.. I'm soaking wet."

Thinking of writing a smut next chapter... maybe. We'll see :)

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