Chapter 1: The Evil Flier

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     There used to be 6 of us. . . Now, I'm all alone.

     Five years, five whole years me and my friends have been hunting that. . . thing, I told them it was dangerous, but nooo, they had to be all MACHO, and now, it's taken my friends and devoured them like a bear after a. . . wait, wait, wait, I'm getting to far ahead of myself, let me start from the beginning. . .

6 years before. . .


     "Hey Edwin, look at this. . ." said Jordan, my best friend since 2nd grade, while he handed me a newspaper with picture of a big, hefty monster,". . . they're looking for people to hunt and capture it". I looked over it for a minute and said " I dunno, it looks kinda dangerous." Jordan looked at me " Ahh, come on man, it'll be fun". With a concerned look on my face I eventually said " Ok, how about we see if Emily, James, Samantha, and Niccie wants to join us?" I said, trying to push my fear aside. "Yeah, it'll be super fun, us and our friend, bonding in the dangerous wilderness with a blood-thirsty beast looking for pray" Jordan had said, freaking me out.

     With a frightened look on my face, I got up and said " I think you should re-think your definition on fun. . ."I handed him a dictionary my dad gave me when I was 9. The whole thing was completely falling apart. ". . . then get back to me."

     Jordan had looked at me, realizing what he said " Yeah, it sounded a lot better in my head. Hey, why do you even keep this dictionary?"

     I looked at him funny " Well one, for the sentimental value, and two, it'll be good to have when you can't charge your Eye-Skreen. . ." A hologramic screen that appears in front of your face ". . . or put fresh salt water in your Z-10 Hovercraft." pretty self-explanatory, a hovercraft that runs on saltwater.

     "Well, when will that ever happen!" he said, thinking thinking he's so smart. "Like in the hunting expedition you're trying to drag me in our friends  into?!" I said, pointing the obvious. " Oh, yeah" he said, a little embarrassed, he was never the brightest apple on the tree.

     As we drove to ask her friends if they wanted to join, who all lived in the same apartment complex, we saw 20 or so people huddled around every lamp post, looking at the fliers. " Wow, people are really interested in the doing!" Jordan said, I just ignored him while thinking of the horid thought.

     "Whoa Edwin watch out!" Jordan shouted in my ear, and when I snapped back to your reality, I noticed I was inches from rear ending another
hovercraft. " You ok?" Jordan asked, "Yeah, yeah. . ."I responded a bit quickly, " We don't have to do this, you know" Jordan said trying to be sincere. I tried to be brave and confident, even though I never have been " No, no it'll be fun."but he still looked worried for me, but we kept driving to the complex anyway. I keep trying to tell myself everything will be ok, but no matter what I told myself, it didn't work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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