The Lake

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"Remember this is just a story. Once upon a time there was a lake. The lake...." She stopped trying to thinking about what to say next.

"The lake what?"

"Well let's just say it had a mind of its own. Every time a person goes into the lake they never come back up. Even if you see the lake in your sleep you never wake up, if you see it in real life without it noticing you.... run like hell." She said cautiously and slowly.

"Why are you telling me this? Is there a happy ending?"

"I'm telling you this because I don't want you to die like I did. There is never a happy ending to life, this may seem like a nightmare, but open your eyes look at your surroundings." The other noticed they were in a cave full of blood and bones, it looked like a horror movie.

"No one can protect you from the horrors of this lake and when the lake comes for you don't say I tried to warn you." She stated.

"Okay. You said the lake was an it."

"Like I said it has a mind of its own.You have to promise me something though." She rushed out.

"What is it?"

"Put an end to the lake." She whispered as if someone was watching her.

"Yes I promise, but you said it was a story." Then the person remembered that the other said she died.

"Wait .... you said you died , how are you here?"

"It isn't a story, everything is real. I died ... how am I here you ask..... I'm not." She replied sadly.

"What do you mean?"

"It means, I was never here in the first place." Then the other vanished into thin air.

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