Luke Cage x Reader

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"I win!! Power man is the bomb!!" Luke exclaimed.

"Keep yelling and Im gonna wear headphones while you talk babe" I snapped.

Me and Luke have been dating for several months now, I know he's power man which now makes sense since he's got the muscles.

"Calm down (y/n) I'll  shut my perfect mouth~"

"Luke, I wish it was like this everyday" I said feeling comfortable.. I felt Luke wrap his arms around my waist. I gave him a little kiss on his lips.

Suddenly, Luke's watch started beeping.

"I have to go (y/n) duty calls" he mumbled.

"Just one more time before you leave~" I cooed.

Luke wrapped his arms around my waist once again kissing me passionately moving perfectly in sync. We parted needing air. And with that My bae went to save the city once again.~

A/N: Yup! I know its short I have been busy a lot and barely have anytime to write and I'm trying to update all my other books. I hope to Update soon! 

 I hope to Update soon! 

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