Welcome sa Critique Shop ng Ilustrados!
Where we will give you honest comments about your novel if you comment below (and pay the right price). Here's the form for you to fill out:
Username of Author:
Note that we may or may not finish the story. Kapag masyado na kaming maraming masasabi ay stop na kami. Also, we won't focus on the technical aspect THAT MUCH. It's your job to spend time in researching about it. Gusto mo maging writer, wag tamad.
Saka ito pala ang dapat niyong gawin para maging valid ang form niyo.
1. Follow @TheIlustrados in wattpad.
2. Like our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/IlustradosPub/ and 'see first' niyo sa following.
3. Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/160677314277787/
4. Take a screenshot of steps 1 to 3 and send it to our facebook page. Isama niyo ang wattpad username niyo.
5. Comment the filled out form below and tag three wattpad users.
Pindot-pindot na lang yan a. Again, wag tamad. Good luck.