Survival of the Lonelies

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I lay my head down on the pillow. As I move, the paper beneath me crackles. I take a quick glance at the room that I'm in. I see the scientists in their white, knee length, lab coats. The monitor that is monitoring my heart rate. My friends Isabelle, John, and Kyle. I think to myself that this whole plan might not even. I might never wake up again. This is the last time I could ever see my friends again. The last time I saw this room, the world. Even if this does work, this still will be the last time that I'll ever see my family again. My three little brothers and parents stare at me intently. I feel tears coming to my eyes. I look away and try not to think about everything I'm leaving behind by making this choice.

"Don't worry, Rachel, this won't hurt a bit and when you wake up you will be immune to the disease," says one of the scientists. I feel the needle picture my skin like a bee sting. I wait a few seconds and close my eyes. Then I pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2010 ⏰

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