{II:4} Creator's Love

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She was down and alone
With no one to love her but herself
And by the seasons too
Herself she grew to despise

The way she looked so delicate
When the world wanted a bold woman
Her lips pale and dry
When the world wanted bold and full

Her shape all planes and edges
When men seeked curves and angles
Her legs so short and curved
When women wanted long and endless

Most of all she came to despise
Her face with cheeks plumpy
And eyes almost swallowed by them
With a nose she thought out of place

Why can't I be like her, she cried
Pointing at a fair model
But i'm stuck with this
Disgusted, she gestured to herself.

But one above observed quietly
His heart full of love for what He created
And wondered at the hate in her heart
And why she couldn't see herself as He did

A perfect creation made to be loved
And love did He love her for all she was
While she hated herself for eternity
And wondered still why she couldn't learn
To love herself as He loved her.

Tophie's Note

I guess this poem is also self-explanatory. Love yourself. Even when no one does. It's like Psquare once sang 'No body's Ugly'. We're all created by God and so beautiful in our own special way. You should never hate yourself because of the way you look. Or because nobody likes you. It means you're being ungrateful to God your creator. I hope this changes our mindset.

Now let me know your thoughts. Is it true that 'Nobody's ugly?' Do you believe that we should love ourselves regardless of our looks?? Or what people think about us? Is it really possible that no one on Earth loves you?

If it's true, then God does.

Leave a comment and vote if you agree!!

Thanks for being supportive.

Written:- 25-June-17

Published:- 20-July-17

It's also my sister's birthday so, Happy Birthday Eliza 'Kunmi!!!


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