Geek meets Punk

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this is my second story I hope you like it :p


I rushed to class to take my seat at the front its the best view and I love to be close to the teacher. When I arrived to french I noticed a boy I had never seen befor sitting in my seat, how dare he invaide my space, lingered my mind as I sat in the only spare seat at the back. I squinted my eyes as I was short cited I could not see very far I scowled at the back of the boys head. I did not even know him and I alredy hated him. The way he slouched in his chair he hadnt a care in the world, what a dufus.

He turned around and looked at me with a smile. He was actually quite hot. keep those thoughts out of your head stupid you are suposed to hate him! i thought as I pushed away any posative thought about the new boy.He got up out of his seat and started to walk over to my desk. Shit. Excuse my french. I tryed to look like I was concentraiting on my work but really I was concentraiting on his muscles he had a tattoo on his left arm. Befor I knew it he was stood right infront of me asking me a question. will you be my partner in this project? I looked up he was even more hot up close. again with the posative thoughts, damn it. Sure I replied with a welcoming smile.

Im Dan by the way he sed sitting down by my side. His voice was husky and low he sent shivers down my spine when he spoke. Im umm...... Lucie. I spoke forgetting my name Lucie nice name. Dan smiled his wonderful smile and started to write down notes for our project.

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