Lance and Keith's babysitting adventure!

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"Remember to feed her 3 times, snack, dinner and another snack, if she still wants more only give her half the portion. Oh! and don't forget to put her to sleep at exactly 6;00 pm, also read her a story before going to bed, if she doesn't she'll get cranky and won't sleep, Oh an-"

"I think they get it Allura, why don't we get going, I'm sure Lance and Keith will do a great job at taking care of Shannon, right guys?" Shiro looked at the two.

"Yup, no need to worry Allura, Keithy boy here and I will take good care of her!" chirped Lance, Keith only smiled and nodded while cradling Shannon in his arms.

"Ok, let me say goodbye to her first and then we can get going" said Allura, she walked over to Keith and looked at her daughter. "bye bye sweetie, mommy and daddy will be back by tomorrow morning".

"Mamma" her daughter said placing a finger on her mothers nose.

Allura smiled and retreated back to the car were Shiro was already waiting "bye Lover birds! don't make more babies!" Lance shouted at the two. "No promises!" Shiro said with a laugh, Allura gasped and hit him lightly in the shoulder.

Keith and Lance waved and watched the car drive off. "Ok so what do we do first?" Keith said turning to Lance. He took out the list Allura handed to him. "It says here to feed her a heated formula bottle, ok that sounds easy enough!" Lance said as the two went inside the house.

"I'll take care of it, watch over her Keith" said Lance to him. Keith nodded and headed to the living room.

Lance went to the kitchen and saw four formula bottles there with a note attached to it. He grabbed the note and read it out loud, "These are the formula bottles for Shannon, she likes her milk warm so be sure to heat it up a bit -Allura" Lance took one of the bottles and got to work.


"WAAAA!" cried Shannon "Shhh! why are you crying?! are you hungry? uncomfortable??" Keith said to her. She only looked at him and cried louder.

"LANCE!" He called. Lance came running into the room "I got the bottle! I got the bottle! I got the- Ahh!" he tripped and the bottle flew into the air. Keith jumped and threw himself, successfully catching the bottle. He smiled right before falling face first into the floor.

Baby Shannon giggled and clapped. The two groaned and stood up, " At least she stooped crying" Lance said. Shannon clapped and giggled more right before she hit herself in the couches arm rest. She teared up.

"No, not again! don't cry!" Keith shouted. "WAAA!" The two males groaned, "here I'll feed her the bottle" Lance said. He grabbed the crying baby and placed the bottle between her mouth. She immediately stopped crying and drank her milk bottle.

"Finally, no more crying" said Keith sitting down next to Lance and patted Shannon's hair softly.

Lance yawned and set the empty milk bottle at the Table in front of them and positioned a sleeping Shannon in his arms and drifted off too sleep without realizing.

Shannon opened her eyes and giggled. She slowly crawled out of Lance's arms and climbed out of the sofa. "oof!"she said as she landed on the floor(not too hard to hurt her). Looking around she spotted a blanket on the floor. Crawling over to it she picked it up and stood up slowly, she walked over to the two sleeping males and placed the blanket over them, "hehe,night night" she said with a giggle and crawled away.


"-nce" Lance heard, he rolled over, " I'm a pretty princess" Lance murmured, "Lance wake up!" Keith shouted louder witch caused Lance to wake up and fall off the couch with a thud. " ow, Keith? what's wrong?" Lance asked groggily, "It's Shannon! I can't find her!" he shouted worriedly.

Lance and Keith's babysitting adventure!(klance)Where stories live. Discover now