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She looked up at the starry night through her window and paused to say the little prayer she always said when looking at her mum and dad. Gazing up at them always made her feel small and happy with what she had in life. The street in front of her was bathed in the orange glow of street lanterns. She saw the bangle vendor tie up his wares. He was probably heading home to a hot meal and a comfortable bed. She drew the curtains close and started gathering the things she would need for her bath. She grabbed the ittar from the highest shelf of her cupboard and placed it on top of her towel before rummaging for her night clothes. She pulled one out. She blushed to the roots of her hair when she saw the slight tear on the cream kameez near the waist. He had always been impatient. She leaned against the cupboard shutting it and forgetting all about the bath she had been preparing for. She was lost in thoughts of how they had spent the afternoon. Reluctantly, she let herself smile. She had tried to stop smiling like an idiot every time he was mentioned or every time she thought about him but it was becoming increasingly difficult. 'Get a grip!' she told herself furiously. 'You're not a hopelessly infatuated little girl. You shouldn't blush at the thoughts of snogging your fiancé senseless. Get used to it.' Yeah, right. Like she would ever get used to that.

"Sanka Devi, what are you muttering to yourself at this time of the night? The water would have become cold by now. Run along now," Buaji said while giving her niece that look of adoring frustration she always had only for her. 

Had she spoken aloud? She chided herself for not even realizing and walked to the bathroom before realizing that she had forgotten to take her things with her. Buaji looked at her as though she were beyond help. Walking back to her bed, she scooped her things up and ran off into the bathroom but not without pausing to pinch Buaji's cheeks.

Buaji only laughed and went back to her room.

She didn't bother drying her hair. Dressing as fast as possible, she inched to her door and tried to open it making the slightest noise possible. Seeing the dark hall and no one about, she tip-toed to the front door and managed to get out of the house without being caught. When she turned around, the white gleam of his car brought a sense of safety, happiness and that dangerous heady excitement. She walked to his car, opened the door and got in as if it were the most natural thing to do at midnight right outside one's house. Finally she turned to look at him. He had his perpetual frown and his eyes were sweeping the street she had just crossed. Reassured, he finally looked at her.

Grinning, he leaned towards her and asked, "What, no dupatta today?"

Confused she looked down and realized she had forgotten it in her hurry. Suddenly feeling shy for no particular reason, she looked up only to see his face inches from hers.

"I must have.. left it at home.. Well, I had a bath," she said defensively as though that explained everything.

"Mmm, you smell nice," he said simply, bringing his face upto her cheek and inhaling. He kissed her there and automatically turned towards her lips. She put a gentle hand on his face and shook her head, turning his head towards the street they were still in. With an annoyed look, he sat back on his seat and adjusted his seat-belt. She bit back a smile as the car started and stretched out on the seat, looking outside. 

When she was done fidgeting with the things kept on the dashboard of his car, she turned to take a good look  at him. He had his trademark 5 o'clock shadow around his chin and his hair looked like it needed cutting. He was definitely under a lot of work pressure. She lifted her arm and traced his jaw line and felt him clenching it in response. She smiled.

"Khushi, stop distracting me," he said, trying to sound annoyed.

She ignored him and gently ran her fingers along his hair. She quite liked the longish strands. She had to hold on to his arm at that moment because he had stopped the car suddenly.

"Have we reached Shantivan already?" she asked surprised. It usually took a lot longer than 5 minutes. He looked at her with raised eyebrows as though she was missing the obvious. It didn't take long for her to get it. 

"Here?!" she looked outside the window as if to validate her point.

"Right in the middle of nowhere?!"

He dipped his head towards her and said, "I think you'll find it a lot better than my room. Without constant interruptions from N.K. By the way, I think he does it on purpose," Arnav said, glaring at Khushi as though it was her fault. She narrowed her eyes at him. 

"And that's my fault?"

"I don't think he ever outgrew that little crush. He clearly still fancies you."

"Oh!" was all Khushi said as her mouth formed a perfect 'o' of surprise. 'Was she completely oblivious of the effect she had on men?' Arnav wondered not for the first time.

"He does not fancy me. We're only really good friends. And even if he does fancy me, how does it matter? It's not his ring I'm wearing," Khushi said, knowing fully well the effect it would have on him. He looked down at their intertwined fingers and kissed her finger where the ring lay. It was a simple design. He knew she wouldn't like something too flashy and neither would he. It was an eternity ring. The only thing that made this ring different from the other rings was the word engraved under the surface of the ring. It had the word 'Arnav' inscribed under it in a mirror font so that even if she happened to take off the ring, it would be etched lightly on her skin. He had been so proud of thinking of it. She had loved it too. It had taken her a whole week to notice it.

".. Di left my watch somewhere near the poolside," Khushi was apparently still saying something. Arnav had no idea what she was on about. Very well. Shantivan it was, then. He realized belatedly that he had been lost in thoughts of her saying 'yes' to him and was now leaning against her. He straightened up and giving her a quick kiss, started the car again.

"Do you really have to go next week?" Khushi asked him not for the first time that day. She squeezed his hand. He was always going off on those silly business trips of his. Or rather, excuses for business trips. Fashion shows and heated discussions about market trends didn't really count as business trips. 

"Well, you don't seem to want to come along either! Haven't I asked you about a thousand times? We'll be put up in one of the best hotels in Mumbai and you could go sight-seeing when I'm talking about dresses and looking at other women," he said looking at her with a smirk.

"That's what you think I do anyway, don't you?"  

Khushi didn't bother dignifying that with a response.

"But I can't just leave my family for a whole week!"

"They'll survive."

"Do you really think I could go with you? I mean, I've always wanted to see Mumbai. Well, who doesn't? But what do I tell Buaji? And Amma? I don't think they'll take kindly to the idea of me going off for a week with you."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Arnav! You know I didn't mean it like that!"

"But I'm your fiance. I think I have enough credibilty to take you out for a vacation if I want."

"Yes, but.." she looked at him with shining eyes. She had made her mind up. She wasn't going to think of what anyone thought. 

"I'm coming!" She almost laughed out. Her family could be dealt with later. 

"I'll only believe that when we're actually on the plane."

 She swatted his arm. 

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