Where it starts

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Pain and torture is what I dream about every night. The look in my parents eyes as they try to beat the evil out of me. They beat me and beat me till I cant even see then leave me in a dark room. I cant get away it follows me everywhere. Sometimes I even dream of it while I am awake. So I hardly stop. I travel from town to town. Staying in what stable and hovel I can afford. I am tired something has to give. Maybe today will be different.

Prying myself up and dusting the hay off of my worn out clothes I gather together what little I own and start off down the dirt road to my next destination. Walking is a burden and a pain to me since the beatings every step I take makes my whole body thrum with pain. But it is a burden I have learned to deal with. A burden my gift has placed on me.

Let me tell you about this gift of mine. I can create fire, ice, and water. I can make lightning come out of the sky. I can make these things do what I want to do. If only I could control them. No they control me every time I use them I loose control then pass out for days on end. I don't use my magic unless I absolutely don't have a choice. And today was one of those days.

As I was walking I heard screaming and the oh so beautiful music of magic. I wanted to just keep walking the other way but I was drawn to it. So I stupidly allowed myself to be drug to it. Breaking through into a clearing I saw a farmer and a young girl fighting with only sticks these men with magic. Who is dumb enough to do that? Well apparently me cause without even realizing it I picked up my own and joined in. This big fellow was about to shoot the old farmer with a bolt of lightning.

Swinging my stick as hard as I could I wacked him upside of head. But not before the other one shot me with a bolt of his own. Instead of electrocuting me like I thought it sliced my across my side. Without a second thought I summoned I huge wall of fire and directed it at him. As I was passing out I saw the flames take him and the darkness.

Will try to add more next week thanks for reading you guys are awesome.

I woke up in a strange bed surrounded by people I didn't know. Panic started to rise up into my throat. The old fear was creeping back in. When a young girl around the age of ten grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. " Its okay mister you don't have to be afraid. We aren't going to hurt you." She said as she caressed my hand. " Where am I? Who are you? What happened?" I wanted her to let go of my hand but yet I didn't I have never had anyone hold my hand like that before. It was calming yet it frightened me.

Who are these people? Why would they take me in their home like this? All I know is that right now I am in so much pain it is hard to think and breathe. She wont stop looking at me and they are crowding me in I don't like to be closed in. " Please who are you and where am I. " " You are in my house and the child holding your hand is Lillian. You saved us from the kings guards yesterday and were wounded so we brought you inside. Beside the kings men I have never seen anyone use magic like you did. Who are you?"

Who am I that is a good question. I don't really think I know who I am except my name. "My name is Jacob Firebreath. Yes I know it sounds like a name from a story. My name it is though. Cant change it even if I wanted to." " That name sounds really familiar but I cant quite place where I have heard it before. Well no matter. Thank you Jacob for saving us. We are in your debt. " " No you don't owe me anything. I was doing what any human being would do for another." " You don't know how wrong you are. Those people are gone. There are no knights anymore , maybe besides you." " I am not a knight. I am just me." " Well whoever you are you need to get control over your magic before it kills you. That is why you where out for two days. Am I right? " " Yes but I don't know of anyone who can help me." " Well you are in luck I do."

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