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Jimin was in the supermarket for over an hour, browsing isles multiple times and adding things he thought you might like in the basket. He added some things he liked too, maybe you hadn't tried them yet. The shopping cart was full of fruits, veggies, snacks and drinks for you to satisfy your tummy with. The lines to pay were long, but he was patient.

Walking inside the complex without a second trip to the car was challenging but he did it. He made it all the way up to your apartment with a smile, excited to be helpful to you. You were inside, wondering if you could ask your parents for rent money for now when you heard a knock in the same rhythm he did. You rolled your eyes and said "wait a second."

You opened the door and saw Jimin with about five bags on each hand, full bags, and an uncomfortable smile. "Can I set these down inside?" he asked hurriedly. You stepped aside to let him in but wondered what he was doing. "These are for you," he said as he set the things down and started placing the cold foods in your fridge. "Why?" you asked with a strange tone. He looked in the grocery bags to see if he missed anything that belonged in the fridge, "you hardly have anything in here. Also you have an extra month of rent paid off so we can go look for an apartment." You walked up to him and said, "why are you doing this I dont need your help."

Jimin looked at you, pausing his movements and said, "At least be appreciative." You felt yourself become a bit angered at how useless you felt. "Stop. I am appreciative but I can help myself I told you i'd find a way through this," you said as you took the cookies be bought from his hand and put it back into the bag, "Im not a fucking beggar Jimin! Take everything. Even what you put in the fridge," you said as you walked over to it and opened it. You lowkey wanted to keep it though, "oh and my answer is no. I dont want to move with you I dont care if I end up regretting it," you said, anger flowing out with obvious intent to hurt him.

Jimin grabbed your wrist, stopping you and feeling your words damage him, "why are you acting like this just take the damn food. You dont have anything to eat, you dont have money to pay the rent that was due TODAY and you still say you dont need help. I know you're capable of taking care of yourself but stop being selfish. It feels like shit to have gone about my day excited to do this for you and you rejecting it all-," he said as he let you go, "-fine. Dont move in with me, I was only trying to help you as best as I could since you dont seem to have anyone else that cares," he said with a softened tone and slightly furrowed eyebrows. He turned around to leave, snatching his keys from your table. You hurt him and you knew it in the way he spoke and looked at you.

But his words hurt you too. There really wasnt anyone else who tried as much to help you than him right now. You knew you were probably in the wrong this time, but this felt like you would have to owe him later and you didnt have time to worry about things like that now. You heard him slam his door and throw his shoes off, followed by the restroom shower turning on at full shot. You turned around and looked inside each bag of groceries. Cabbage, onions, apples, carrots, rice, melon, mushrooms, and even meat he picked out for you. There were snacks in there and juice boxes, cookies, and strawberry milk. Everything you wouldve guessed that you needed he got. Tomorrow you would cook a nice dinner, for both him and yourself.


The next day you tidied up your house and wondered if it was appropriate to text him an apology first. Or maybe go in person? You are like 10 feet away from him. You fixed your hair up and paused, "why am I fixing my appearance so much?" you asked yourself, remembering that pretty girl from the supermarket. You didnt care if they liked each other. That was none of your business, but you just couldnt help compare yourself to her.

You stepped out and knocked on his door. He had been quiet all morning. "Jimin," you said quietly after silence told you he hadnt heard you. He woke up when he heard his name and sat up, trying to wake himself up properly. Last night he stayed up until seven, texting his friends who were drunk. You heard his heavy footsteps approach the door and you stepped back, feeling your heart race in nervousness that he would reject you like you did.

The door opened to reveal a very tired Jimin with an oversized hoodie he had clearly slept in, sweats, messy hair, pink cheeks and plump lips. He said nothing but just looked at you, one eye closed and the other squinting at you. It was nine in the morning after all and he had just slept two hours. "Sorry are you busy?" you asked him. He sighed and just stared at you like you were dumb. "No," he said sharply and expected nothing. "Are you still upset?" you asked.

"Upset is a little too small of a word," he said with his raspy morning voice. "You're mad," you responded. "Clearly," he said, looking more just bored than angry, because he wasnt and just wanted to seem so. "Okay so you dont wanna come over for dinner? I already started cooking so.." you asked him out of the blue. His phone rang but he replied to you before answering his phone, "I dont know give me like a month to answer a simple yes or no question." Your jaw slightly fell open at his reply. He got you good. "IT WASNT A MON-"

'Shhh' he pointed to his lips as he answered. You were waiting to tell him off but also apologize until his sleepy eyes opened wide, "what?! Sure mom! Yeah! ONE HO-ur? O-k. Yeah i'll be ready. See you then! I love you!" He hung up and completely forgot the fact that he was supposed to be mad at you, "(y/n) you said you're cooking already? Can you please please finish whatever you're making and bring it here? My parents are coming over and I have nothing cooked..Its a mess here too. They're gonna be here in an hour and I need to get ready. Please!!" he said almost begging you. You looked at him wide eyed the entire time but quickly nodded your head, "y-yeah! Ill go finish and I can clean your apartment up while you get ready!" Jimin nodded and bowed at you like a trillion times, "okay! uhh- just throw anything messy in my room i'll clean it lat-"

"JUST GO IVE GOT THIS," you said as you shoved him away.

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