Chapter One.

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"When did you First meet Rock Perez?"

"7th grade."

"We were in the same class. Out school had this silly little thing where the classes had mascot names, and ours was the Falcons. Hah, all the jokes we made about being the better class. Because between you and me, falcons are way better than dolphins. But Rocky and I, we made small talk at first, but never more. It wasn't until our teacher sat us next to each other that we became friends. She was beautiful you know? Brownish black hair, dark brown eyes that reminded me of chocolate and the night at the same time. Her not so perfect, perfect skin. It was like everything that society would say is wrong with her, it made her perfect. "

"Was Rocky a good kid?"

"Yeah, before she meet Alex. God that kid."

"Rocky and I had a lot in common. We liked the same bands, we could both agree that we were born in the wrong time period. Cause I mean come on. Why did we have to be born after Kurt Cobain died. But anyways, when I first got to truly have a conversation with Rocky, I think that was when I fell in love with her."

"What do you mean. 'Until she met Alex'? Who's Alex?"

"Oh, Alex is just the girl who broke Rocky's heart. But before that, she just was, well, a bad influence"

"Rocky and I soon were inseparable. We ate lunch together, hung out at recess, and talked all night long. This girl soon became my everything.  I had no idea what I would do without her. I mean she was my other half. My partner in crime. My, well, my better part. We did get in a lot of trouble with our teachers because we were preteens and all we want to do is talk."

"Why do you say that?"

"Rocky was a straight A student, a goody two shoes. Then she started to talk to Alex and everything just started to fall apart. She started to you know.. Do drugs."

"Now let's get something straight. Rocky and I were good kids. We never did drugs. Shocking right, because everyone else seems to think so. Truth be told I hated the smell of that shit, and Rocky grew up with a family who smoked all day, so she never wanted to be like them. We actually kept our friends away from those sort of things. Yeah we were strange and hyper and seemed to be on drugs, but we never touched that stuff. Rocky would always laugh that perfect laugh of hers and hug us saying "give hugs, not drugs" it was a little adorable saying she got from our local pride parade.  After a few months of being friends with Rocky I noticed something. She didn't seem much like herself. There was something bugging her, and it bugged me that she wasn't okay.  "

I stopped typing and looked at the word count. "That's got to be enough for today." I hit post and watched as day two of the truth went online.

"Did this Alex girl ever do something to Rocky? Who was she to Rocky?"

"Alex was more than a friend. To rocky she was a someone. But to Alex.. All Rocky was, was a toy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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