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When I woke up I did not remember anything, I looked up and to the sides and it seemed that I was in the Hospital. Hospital? Because? Suddenly I hear the door open.
D(Doctor): Hailey, u woke up!
H:What I'm doing here? What happen?
D:You had an accident Hailey, you got hit.
H:What? By who?
H:Justin Drew Bieber.
J:Yeah, I'm so sorry Hailey.
D:Hailey now u have to rest. We need to do u more exames.
Justin was gone, I was so confused so Justin Bieber hit me. My God. Now I was going to the exam room I was nervous,I was not sure what was going to happen, they put me inside a very strange machine to do exams. They were finally finished and I was back in my hospital room.
D:Hailey we have to talk.
H:Yes doctor.
D:I do not know how I'm going to tell you this. Hailey's tests revealed that you have a paralysis in the legs.You still did not realize it because your legs were still.
H: So that's mean I can't walk anymore?
D:Hailey, if you have a strongwill, you will.
H:I can't believe this.
D:I'm going leave u alone.
That afternoon I cried a lot, I did not even eat. It was to be the happiest day of my life has become the worst.

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