He will help me

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After having spent the whole night crying, the door opened very quickly was Justin. No, I did not want to talk to anyone much less with him.
J:Hailey! I heard about what happen.Are u okay?
H:Do u think I'm okay?I will never walk again in my life.
J: Doctor say that if u want u can do it. Believe this.
H:I can't. I don't believe in anything anymore.
J:Sorry, you know I did not do it on purpose. It was an accident I did not see you.
H:It's not ur fault. I'm just sad with life.
J:Let's do something fun.
J:I'm going to do u a quiz.
J:So, what's ur full name?
H:Hailey Rhode Baldwin.
J:How old are u?
H:This is creepy.
J:Answer me!
H:Okay, calm 20.
J:Good age.
I laughed.
J:See. I made you laugh.
H:Don't be so happy. I laugh about everything.
We were silent for a while.
J:I will help u.
H:What do u mean?
J:I will help u, the doctor said if u work u can do. So I will help u work.
J:Yeah, tomorrow I will be here early for we start. Now I'm going leave u. Bye Hails.
J:It's ur new nickname.
H:Okay bye Just.
H:It's ur new nickname.

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