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I took him and like he was unconscious, I weeded him for take him as a bag, and then I began to crawl the wall upside for try to escape with all the fire behind me.
And when I finally got the sun's light, everything exploded. Then. I could breath normally. Interestingly enough, there was people around trying to see if I was alive. Or, I hope that.
When they saw what I did, they began to shot like if the Yankees had scored a Grand-slam, and I lied on the ground breathing faster. After that, I began to listen a female voice and flashes around me.
"Hello Newyorkers, my name's Betty Brant from the Daily Bugle. And yeah, we are on TV now.
And now, I'm with the hero of the today. Who are you big boy?"
-Who? Me?
-Exactly! You're the one on the first page!
-Well, I'm Pe...rfect! (Barely I say my real name tf). And I'm your friendly neighbor Spiderman!
All the people began to clap and shout saying "Spiderman! Spiderman!" And I didn't know what to do.
-Thank... you?
The girl with the microphone continued talking stuff about the incident, and she was calling me as "The hero Queens needs". That's sound pretty damn awesome.
I left the place and all the people were cheering. "Finally, can breath and think quietly".
After a little while, I saw a tall building and I went there to rest a bit before getting home.
"So. A recap. I defeated Doc Ock, and the people were cheering me. And a girl from the Daily Bugle kinda flirts on me. Or are just my hormones? Nah, but that was awesome!"
I jumped out the building shouting that and webbing for get longer distances, and after some minutes I got home. My bedroom was still intact, and my homework pretty much done.
After everything I've done I realized something. I was meant to greatness since the spider bit me. Since Uncle Ben got shot. Since I got the idea of being who I am. Since I made this suit, everything, from small beginnings.

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