Truly Happy

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As soon as Yoongi got home, he was attacked by questions.

"Where were you hyung?"
"Wait...didn't you come back like an hour ago?"
"Guys! Yoongi's back!"
"Where tf were you?"

"Shut up!"He yelled and walked into the kitchen.
He had just gotten back from Hyuna's place and he found out that she lived right next to them.
Which also , conveniently, meant that Yoongi could open his window and they could throw stuff to each other ( or just talk).
He quickly got some of his and Hyuna's favorite food and went to his room.
What if she asked for some?Thats exactly why he got some of her favorite food too instead of JUST his.
His predictions were right, why wouldn't they be he's a genius?. He heard thumps on his window a few hours later, like rocks almost. He opened his window and saw her on the other side of the yard, in her room.
"Hey!You have some food or nah?"She whisper yelled
"Why are you whispering?"He asked as he threw a snack pack to her.
"Two reasons.1-My dog is sleeping i think. And 2- My members don't even know i went out and met someone.If they find out im talking to you im....dead."She made a motion of cutting her neck off.
"You have a dog?I didnt see one when i was there..." His interest was peaked, more than it had been at least, as he heard the word 'dog'.
"Yup!Don't you have one too?"
"A boy named brother named him."He quickly added
"Cute."She giggled and got something from out of his vision.
"I kinda...bought something for you while you weren't looking..."
"What?How did you even know what to barely even kn-"He was cut off by her.
"We're practically already best friends okay?Hyunnie and Minnie!"She exclaimed
Yoongi raised an eyebrow.There was no way she got something that he would like, she barely even knew felt like they knew each other longer than they actually have.So maybe she did?
"Here. I have a matchings."She mumbled and threw the things to him.
He looked at it for a second and was puzzled.How did she know?

It was a hoodie and a choker to match.
The hoodie had Kumamon in random spots and in the front of the hoodie it said "MinKim"
And the choker looked like a crystal that was clear and has a little plant inside.But he could very faintly see words on the side of the actual choker. 'If the owner of this choker is found, please return to Kim Hyuna.'
He blushed and laughed a little.
He looked up to see her curtain closed by a hand and then let go of. It opened and Yoongi saw her in the matching hoodie and choker.
'She was changing while i was looking at the clothes?!'He thought and blushed more
"You like it?"She asked
"How did you know i liked Kumamon?"He asked her after nodding
"Apparently we both like it?"

It didnt matter to him that people would come out with Rumors and scandals. Because for once...he was truly happy.

Sorry this chapter is a little late! Ive been having health issues ;^; its not so serious that i have to go to a hospital so don't worry!Ive been mostly in bed all day barely eating anything (Actually i don' that doesn't bother me). But i had to help my parents with some stuff (i did construction stuff to my closet, ect.).Again, sorry!Im updating my schedule for a new project book thing btw!

-Author~Senpai (tho im most likely not a senpai since im YUNG)

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