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His smile... its usually one of kindness, and fun... warm enough to ease the soul... warm enough to calm a nerve...
But when that smile changes, when you do something very bad, it becomes one of hate and sheer cold... cold enough to terrify the soul, cold enough to unhinge you.
His smile is either of love, or hate.

"Shit!" A man wearing a plaid shirt and dark blue jeans cried as he dodged a blue spear that struck into the wall and faded as he passed it. "Stop! In the name of the law!" A feminine voice roared from a ways back. "Oh, fuck!" The man cried as he turned down an alleyway and into an intersection, where he was nearly plowed by several cars as they tried to stop and ended up wrecking. Quickly passing the intersection, the man reached a metal railing. A quick look over the railing showed him the bay, and the other city on the opposite side. Turning to his right, he took off at a heavy sprint.
Undyne came out of the alleyway to see the man making a full fledged run for it. "Not this time, punk." She growled as a triumphant grin spread acrossed her face. The man cried in surprise as several spears struck the ground in front of him. He turned to run back as several more spears blocked him off. He turned frantically to the street to see an a blue woman, obviously a Monster wearing dark clothing with a badge approach him. The man turned around, gazing over the edge of the railing. "See ya, sucker!" He yelled at the Monster as he climbed over the railing and leaped. "Not so fast." Undyne grit her teeth as she dashed forward at inhuman speeds, and she felt her fingers wrap around the man's collar, and she yanked back, pulling him back over the railing. With a few wheezes, the man tried to scramble up, only to recieve a hard punch in the face, knocking him back onto the sidewalk in a daze as Undyne knelt over him, pulling out a set of handcuffs. "Samuel Dreary, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." She said routinely to him, receiving a strained groan in reply. "I thought so." She smirked.

"THEN ADD THE SPAGHETTI NOODLES TO THE WATER!" Papyrus' loud voice came through the TV speakers as Sans chuckled at the screen. Frisk sat on the other end of the couch, watching as well. Sans looked towards her, and tilted his head slightly. "Hey kiddo. What's up?" She seemed... concerned? Nervous? "Sans..." She began quietly. Sans responded by muting the TV. "What if things go bad?" She asks, making Sans smile fondly at her. "Nothings gonna go bad. I'm sure we'll be just fine. I mean, on a darker note, this is the furthest you've actually let us come..." Sans lowered his gaze. Frisk turned away. "What if it does... what if we get another war... what if... I need to... reset..." Frisk said cautiously as Sans' gaze darkened. He said nothing for a short while, until he looked into Frisks eyes. "I'm gonna go out for a bit..." He muttered as he disappeared, leaving Frisk alone on the Couch.

"I mean, she thinks she can just RESET when things don't go her way!?" Sans yelled angrily at the person he was talking to. "You don't agree with her, do you?"
"No, Sans. Not this time..." Chara replied uncomfortably. "If she does... things might go sour again..."
"Exactly my point. We would lose you, Asriel, and... and Gaster. I don't want that. You don't want that-"
"She doesn't want it either, Sans." Chara interrupted. Sans looked at her, eyes narrowed, before sighing. "You're right... but... the game mechanics... they're still messed up, right?" Chara nodded her head. "As in taking turns in battle? Yeah. That's been broken for a few timelines now. The Reset button... it's been fading in and out for almost a year now." Sans looked away, gazing out of the kitchen window. "I guess the time for Resets is coming to a close, huh."
"Yeah. Soon, there is no control over the timelines..." Chara answered. "We can finally continue... and never look back." Sans smiled at the prospect. "I can finally have a life..."
"Yeah. Why haven't we talked about this before?" Chara asked, receiving a soft chuckle from Sans. "I never let it cross my mind. I always just expected to wake up in Snowdin again, but I guess I get to stick to Northside now, huh?" Chara smiled. "I'd love to keep talking, Sans, but I promised Asriel I'd support him during his spelling bee."
"See ya around, kid." Sans replied to Chara as she waved in return and left the house, leaving Sans in higher spirits than before. "Guess I should talk to Frisk now..." He sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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