Episode 1: Jailbreak

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It's Friday night. Beast Boy and Cyborg are having a Mega Monkeys 4 tournament. Robin is training in the gym, hitting the punching bag. Starfire is making glorkh, a tamaranion food. Raven is in her room reading her book. Raven's room is so quite that u can hear the clock ticking.

Just then, the tower fills with red light and loud beeping sounds go off. There's an alert. The city needs help. The Mega Monkeys game disappears from the screen and the word "alert" come on the screen in red letters.

Cyborg- Aw man!! Why u gotta ruin Mega Monkeys?!

Beast Boy- Dude! No fair I was winning.

Cyborg- You weren't winning I was just abouta...

Robin, Starfire and Raven burst into the room. Robin runs to the computer and checks out the alert.

Robin- Bank Robbery. Reports are saying he has a device that can freeze people in his possession.

Starfire- The freezing of the people? This doesn't sound like someone we've fought before.

Robin- The only person we've dealt with that controlled time was Warp, but he's been in prison for months.

Raven- Then we have to go see who this new guy really is.

Robin- Titans go!

Beast Boy- But.....Mega Monkeys! He says as he points the controller at the screen.

Starfire and Cyborg grab him and they run out of the tower. Starfire and Raven take off into the sky. Beast Boy transforms into a pterodactyl and grabs Cyborg by the shoulders. He flies up with the girls. Robin powers up his bird cycle and transforms it into a small speed boat. He puts the boat into the water on the edge of the tower and rides off, following his team mates.

They search the skies and see a jail break in progress. Prisoners are being released from their cells and running out of the prison. They're starting to climb up the wall of the prison to escape.

Starfire- There!

Raven uses force fields to make the prison wall taller and knock the prisoners off the wall.

Robin rides his motorcycle off of a nearby roof top and jumps over the prison wall. He lands on the ground and whips out his bo staff.

Robin- Raven and Beast Boy, stop the criminals from escaping. Cyborg and Starfire, were finding out who did this!

Robin, Starfire and Cyborg run into the prison and fight off some of the prisoners trying to run out. They investigate the prison. Windows are smashed, Cell doors are open, there are no guards to be seen.

Robin- What happened here?

Cyborg- I don't know, but look!

Cyborg points down a long dark hallway. There was a brush of light going on and off against the wall. They could hear noises, almost like people were being tormented in the next room. Cyborg's shoulder light flips up and turns on. The hallway is lined with prison cells, each one covered in rust. Cyborg walked slowly down the hallway, Robin and Starfire behind him. As they got closer to the end of the hall, they heard someone scream.

Tormentor- "Don't scream! I want you all getting what you deserve! PAIN AND SUFFERING!

The Titans lean up against the wall, cyborg peaks his head around the corner. Security guards are lined up against the walls, each one strapped up to an electric chair. Their mouths are tied shut by ropes. A man is walking around the room, threatening them. He's wearing a strange uniform, a clock was painted on it. Numbers were printed all over his white jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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