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Let's get one thing straight, I'm not.
But that's okay.
After all, I mean over 450 species practice non-heterosexuality in their everyday lives.
And if we could find even one person to spend it with wouldn't that be enough?
I wanted to convince you it was okay. But now I look at the science and I realize we as humans are the only specie to participate in homophobia, transphobic, amd biphobia.
Anything that is not cis, white, and hetero will be frowned upon by society and all of its followers.
The followers from all the social media are so easily manipulated.
Made, forced to believe whoever they follow.
Misconstrued their words and phrases and quoting them to fit the message.
If more people were to follow ideas of their own, to have ideals of their own.
Then they could have people follow them and help others find their message.
One of positivity maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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