The Start of a Beginning

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People are mean they are heartless. The bad will lie and cheat you for what you have. Some people will act like they are your friend. Someone that you can tell your secrets to then they will tell everyone your business. That is when the true colors come out. There is a girl named Touka but she is not like other people that have lived. She knows you better then you know yourself. She has always known when people are lying and what they are feeling. Touka sees people for who they are she found that out one day. Touka was talking to this girl that she had gotten close too. she was telling her a story about how a family wanted to adopt her. Then when Touka looked into her eyes she saw a flash of light and saw that. The family saw how she acted around other kids and thought that it would not be the best thing for their baby. The girl started to cry when the family said that they did not want her. The girl felt alone and unwanted. Touka did not know what she just saw but she just smiled at Eve and told her that she was happy for her. She just wished that she knew what she just saw. one day Touka wanted to know why she was here so she asked the lady where her parents were. The woman said she just found Touka in a basket outside of the door. " It was raining that night." The old woman's words started to turn into a blur. Touka was sad then when she looked in the woman's eyes the flash of light hit her.

She saw a woman and man talking to the older woman. The woman had bright red hair and a beautiful face. She looked like she was 17 years old. She had pretty clothes and was holding a baby in her arms. The beautiful woman looked up and said " You need to take her she can not grow up with me. I have a life to live and with her, I can not do that. She will always cry and keep me up at night. My friends will hate me and leave me." She looked down at the baby the man would not say a word. It was like he was scared of something his head was down the whole time. The older woman said, "Does the baby have a name?" The young woman looked in the baby's eyes and whispered " Her name is Touka. At night you have to sing her the song. It is the only way that she will sleep at night." Touka did not know what to think this woman was her mother and she gave her up. Touka was hurt and could not think of what she was feeling. The woman looked down at me and saw that my eyes were open now she started to cry. As she looked down at the child that would not know who her mother was. The woman wants to keep the baby but her family kicked her out because she had a child on the way. She did not know what to do with the child so she only could think of giving her up. The man said " Anna we do not have all night our parents want you to make up your mind. So if you do not give up the child then you will have nowhere to go. I am sorry that John left you and you have to make a painful choice like this. But how are you going to take care of the child you have no job you are just in high school. You have a life to live and with a kid, you will not have time to study. You need to make good grades so that you can go to college." Anna held the baby tighter and cried harder. "SHE CAN NOT JUST BE LEFT HERE ANDREW!" She said as she cried out to him Touka was fast asleep by now. Anna did not want to do it her brother Andrew did not know what it was like to have a child. Someone that was a part of you that people are saying that you have to give up. The older woman said " You do not have to give up your child. You could find a way to raise her and do the things that you need to do. I think you would b." Andrew said " What are you doing you are filling her head with lies and you know it. She is not ready to take care of a child. YOU DO NOT KNOW HER ARE WHAT SHE WENT THROUGH! YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE IN HER SHOES. SHE WAS AT WORK SHE WAS DOING GOOD IN SCHOOL!" Andrew started to cry as he fell to the floor" THAT MAN SHE SO CALLS A FATHER WAITED FOR HER TO GET OFF WORK TO DO THINGS SHE SHOULD HAVE NOT HAD TO DO! SHE WAS A GOOD PERSON AND HE JUST RAPED HER! SHE CRIED HERSELF TO SLEEP THAT NIGHT! WHEN OUR PARENTS FOUND OUT THEY CALLED HER ALL KINDS OF NAMES! THEY TOLD HER SHE WAS A BAD CHILD AND SHE SHOULD NOT BE LIVING! But it was not her fault. It was not her fault." Anna was holding Touka as Andrew got up he said with tears in his eyes " I am sorry Anna." Anna looked at Andrew she did not know what he was sorry for. Right at that moment he slowly grabbed the baby from her. It took a while she was fighting so that she could keep the baby. " NO NOOO ANDREW DO NOT DO THIS!" As Andrew held the baby he froze for a moment to see how much Touka and Anna looked so much alike. He looked at the old woman and gave her the baby. The old woman said, " Never had this much trouble to have someone give up their baby before." Andrew said with anger " JUST LEAVE NOW!" The old woman did as he wished. Anna's cries got louder at the same time Touka started to cry that night. The old woman could not get her to sleep for the past week. Then the old woman remembered what Anna said would put her to sleep. So the old woman started to sing so after that Touka was fast asleep.

After Touka saw that she was back in the room and saw the old woman. She looked at Touka and said, " Do you understand now my child?" Touka looked at the old woman and said, " Thank you for letting me know." Then she walked away. Starting to understand what was going on.

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