#1. Hide Away - Sora x Kairi

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||Summary: After having many bad experiences with crushes and a previous boyfriend, Kairi is ready to give up on love...until a certain someone comes around.


Title is based off of the song, Hide Away by Daya.||


Being called a "crusty bitch" and getting dumped for another girl is one thing. But getting ignored after confessing to your crush through a note? That's a whole new level. That hurt more. Why? She didn't know. It just did. Maybe because it appeared to be more cold and cowardly. Maybe because it made her feel more like a freak than she already was. Who knows?
And who was this freak, you ask? Well it was a dark redheaded girl with bright blue eyes. This girl was sweet and had an amazing personality. Always helped others. No negative commentary about her. Yet here she was. Getting treated like some piece of garbage. This girl was no other than Kairi, childhood friend of the adorable and innocent Sora and the brave, challenging Riku.
A few days ago, Kairi had her best girl friend, Selphie, give a note to her crush, Takeo, confessing her feelings for him. She had hoped Takeo would come for her and say he loved her back or at least politely rejected her. But no. Instead, he ignored it and gave her odd looks in the hall. And to be quite honest, she didn't expect that from him. Ever since freshman year, she'd known him to be sweet, shy, and different than most. Now here they were, junior year, and Takeo was now seen as a cowardly asshole. Kairi was both angry and sad. She'd loved him a lot. More than any of her past crushes and boyfriend. Even the guy that had liked her back, but ended up moving away. This rejection hurt more than any other.
"You can't give up!" Selphie said when Kairi had told her she was done with love. It had been the end of the school day and rather than learning, Kairi had been focusing on the situation, feeling depressed.
"What else am I suppose to do? All of my experiences have been Hell. I mean, Tidus liked me back and moved away. John called me a...well you know. Then Peter dumped me for some other girl. Now Takeo ignores me and treats me like a freak." Kairi spoke, looking down sadly.
"C'mon! You had one guy that really liked you! That could mean something. You just gotta have hope. You'll find that one guy someday." Selphie promised.
"Maybe, maybe not. But for now, I'm done." She sighed, resting her chin on her palms.
"You need a girls night?" She asked, frowning at the sight of her depressed friend.
"No, I'll be fine."
"Well then...I'll see you later. I'm gonna go home."
"All right. Bye."
The two hugged goodbye and went their separate ways.

As Kairi made her way home, she stopped by the sandy beach and just sat there, looking off into the distance, watching the multi-colored sky. Her cyan eyes landed on Destiny Islands, an island her, Sora, Riku, and Selphie always visited in the summer. She smiled a little, thinking back to when they were just little kids. Sora and Riku would always challenge each other and fight with wooden swords. Selphie would be cheering one of them on. And she would be keeping score, smiling and giggling at them. Oh, how simpler times were back then. Back when she didn't give a rats ass about love. How she wish she could go back.
Kairi looked down, depressed thoughts flooding back into her mind. She couldn't take it anymore. She pulled her legs up to her chest, hugged them, and sobbed into her knees.
"Kairi?" Spoke a familiar voice from behind. She didn't answer, but silenced her sobbing noises. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Asked the concerned voice.
She looked up and towards the person with tear stained cheeks. It was Sora. She couldn't help, but smile faintly at his concern. "I-It's nothing...Stupid, really..." She laughed under her breath and sniffed, wiping away fresh tears.
Sora frowned and plopped down next to her. "I doubt that. You're never upset. So if something gave you enough reason to cry, it certainly isn't something stupid."
Again, he made her smile. He knew her so well. But she just couldn't bring herself to explain. "Why are you here, anyway?" She asked, hoping to change the subject.
Sora shrugged his shoulders. "It's relaxing." He smiled slightly. "But seriously, why are you sad?" He asked again, smile disappearing.
Kairi sighed. "Well you know how I finally confessed to Takeo?"
"Uh-huh." He already knew where this was going. Sora knew full well of Kairi's terrible experiences with the love life. Though he couldn't exactly relate. He'd never had a girlfriend, nor did he confess to a past crush of his.
"He ignored it and is now looking at me like a freak."
Sora sighed, looking ahead. "Geez...What a jerk."
"Heh, that's putting it lightly." She chuckled a bit.
"Heh...I'm sorry, Kairi." He looked at her, sincere.
"It's fine. I've just decided to give up. Love isn't my thing, apparently."
"Don't say that..." He looked down, sad for his friend.
"Why not? It's true."
"No. It isn't."
"You're lying."
"Why would I lie?"
Kairi blinked and looked at him. He'd stumped her with that. Sora never lied unless it was a good reason to. Damn him. "I....I don't know..." She sighed, defeated.
He turned fully towards her and grabbed her hands, holding them with his own. "Kairi...you're beautiful. Inside and out. You're kind, funny, smart, and the greatest person I know. You have beautiful eyes. A beautiful smile that always brightens my day and probably others too. And I...I...I love you."
Kairi's eyes widened, pulling back from him. "What?!" She asked, shocked.
Sora dropped his hands in his lap. "I love you, Kairi." He said more confidently.
"Sora...I...I don't know what to say..." She spoke, still in a state of shock. All these years and he had been in love with her. Who would have thunk? "How long?" She asked.
"Since we were kids." He answered. "Remember how Riku would always joke about us being intimate with each other?"
"Yeah." She laughed softly. "I always thought he was just being goofy."
Sora laughed a bit himself. "Somewhat, yeah. But he mainly did it because he knew I liked you."
Kairi smiled, her cheeks heating up. "Well...maybe we could try something."
Sora grinned slightly. "Thought you were done with love."
"With idiots, yes. With you? No." She smiled.
Sora was now blushing. He didn't say anything. Instead, he moved in closer and cupped her cheek, kissing her gently on the lips. Kairi returned the kiss, enjoying the soft texture of his lips. They pulled back after a moment.
"I love you, Kairi." Sora whispered, forehead pressed to hers.
"I love you too, Sora." She whispered back, and kissed him again.

||Hope you guys enjoyed this first one-shot! There'll be more to come. I do take requests! Feel free to leave me some. :)||

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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