Family Life

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In a house, bordering Switzerland and Liechtenstein, a 15 year old girl entered carrying two small bags. Dropping the onto the floor, she emptied them into the kitchen cupboards before walking up the stairs.

She was called Lili Zwingli. She sported short blonde hair, bright green eyes and a cute little ribbon - just to top it off. She often wore a darkish pink, sleeved dress that flowed down to her shins. A pair of black dolly shoes clicked along the hallway as she went to see her older brother, Vash.

As she opened his bedroom door, she was greeted by a boy a few years older than her. His hair was similar to hers though his seemed more natural. He wore a white shirt, black trousers with black military boots (that seemed a little out of place if you ask me). Beside him was a green military uniform and a rifle. As the door opened, he reached for said rifle until he looked up to see Lili.

"Big brother, would you like a drink? I was about to make something to eat and  wondered if you wanted anything before eating."

"Oh. Uh, sure Lili. Thanks."

"I shall get it right away!"

Rushing down the stairs, she quickly prepared his favourite drink then returned to hand it to him. She calmly stated that dinner was nearly ready as she left the room to finish it off and serve it up.

A content smile appeared on her face. She was eating a nice, home-cooked meal whilst sitting with the one person she cared for most - her brother. Unfortunately, they weren't actually blood related. That didn't matter, though. Their bond was stronger than most.
He was her saviour-sweeping her away from a helpless and homeless life on the streets. She was his sister - the one that he would protect no matter what.

Regardless of their odd situation, they were happy. That's all that mattered...

Runaway - A Hetalia TaleWhere stories live. Discover now