Chapter one

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Each realm has their own Gods, Demons, and things in between. But have you ever wondered what happens when a realm/universe dies or finally ends? What happens to all those powerful entities, what happens to the powers they held? Usually they would die out with their universe/realm. Well you would usually be right, but what happens when two entities of primordial power considered to be the strongest in each of their respected realms don't want all their power, knowledge, and wisdom to just vanish from the multiverse. The answer, they send it out into the multiverse to find a new host. That is exactly what Kralkatorrik the Elder Crystal Dragon and mag'ladroth the void dragon did when their worlds finally ended. What neither of them knew was that all that power was going to one person. That one person was in the process of being born, at the moment of his birth their power, knowledge, and wisdom entered him changing his mind and looks.

Somewhere in a village hidden by leaves was a beautiful red haired woman with clear amethyst colored eyes and a heart shaped face......that was currently scrunched up in pain.

"MINATO YOU BASTARED  AFTER THIS IM CUT YOUR BALLS OFF WITH A DULL RUSTY KUNAI!!!" This is Kushina uzumaki namakazi, and she was in the process of giving birth to her second child that night. The first was a little girl named Mito she looked like a chibi version of Kushina with her fathers blue eyes. Her father was Minato namakazi also know as the yellow flash because of his signature  technique the flying thunder God. He was also known as the Fourth Hokage leader of Konoha the village hidden in the leaves. Right now he was hiding in a corner from his angry and in pain wife pleading with her.

"Please Kushi-chan your the one who said you wanted kids." He said before he could stop him self.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT THIS WAS ALL MY FALT IF YOU HAD PULLED OUT IN TIME I WOULDN'T BE GOING THROUGH THIS!!! AND FOR THAT COMENT AFTER I CASTRATE YOU YOUR SLEEPING ON THE COUCH FOR THREE MONTHS!!" She screamed. And with that final yell out popped a little boy he was quit and looking around at everything insight. What slightly scared the doctors was his gaze wasn't one of curiosity it was one of cold calculation, to them and everyone else it felt like he was studying them. The other thing that shocked the Doctors, Minato, and Kushina was his looks he didn't have much baby fat on his body, his face was angular and slim. His hair was long for a new born reaching half way down his ears, his skin was pale and his hair was Snow White. But it was his eyes that really shocked everyone they were constantly shifting colors from a deep purple to a shocking electric green the pupils were slits like that of a snake. As the Doctor was about to speak

"Wha...."BOOM!!! As explosion after explosion rocked the village an ANBU dropped down kneeling before Minato


Minato looked down in thought before quickly looking at the ANBU. "Stay here and guard Kushina and the child, I think I know what they are after!"

"Hai! Hokage-sama!" Yelled the ANBU member. With that the fourth Hokage vanished in a yellow flash. After he left the ANBU got up and walked over to Kushina who was struggling to stay awake the unnamed baby was laying in his crib calm and still studying everything around him. As the ANBU walked closer he removed his mask showing a forehead protector with the symbol for Iwa with a slash mark through the middle as he leaned over her he whispered

"Say bye bye to the son with no name." Giving a cruel smirk he walked over to the crib and picked up the small baby and leaving in a whirl of dust. Right after there was a yellow flash after Minato saw the empty crib and his crying wife he ran to comfort her asking what happened and where the baby was after she finished explaining.

"ANBU!!" When two where kneeling before him "GET EVERY NINJA IN THE VILLAGE FROM ACADEMY STUDENT TO ANBU HELL PULL ALL NINJA THAT ARE IN RETIREMENT THAT CAN STILL WORK HUNT DOWN THIS SON OF A BITCH AND BRING ME MY SON!!!" Nodding they left to do as they were ordered turning he hugged his still crying wife.

With the missing-nin

"Dame!" He cursed under his breath as he quickly hid in an alleyway.

Looking down at the unnatural looking and unnaturally calm baby "they are really pissed that I got you huh?" He asked as he ran out of his cover and towards the forest of death where he was told to leave the child.

"I don't know why that weird bandaged dude wanted you gone....but I don't really care he's paying a good amount for it so I'm not going to argue." He said to the child looking down to see that he had his mouth open.

"What the hell am I suppose to feed you huh kid?" Shrugging his shoulders he looked around he saw the gate he was suppose to go through.

"Oh well won't be my problem much longer." He thought a huge grin made its way onto his face as he approached the gate. The soon turned in to a look of shock/surprise which turned into a look of pain. When he looked down he was horrified to see two snakes biting into his upper thigh and calf muscles. Screaming he fell throwing the baby that was in his arms in the process, when he looked to see where the baby landed he was shocked to see an eight year old girl holding him. She was wearing a tank top that showed her mid-section an orange mini-skirt and a tan trench coat and black ninja Sandals. Her skin was pale and she had brown pupil less eyes her hair was purple and styled into a pineapple type fashion.

"Well aren't you just a little cutie." She said hugging the baby. Hearing a moan she turned to the kidnapper and glared at him

"And just where did you think you were going with the Hokage's son!" She asked

Before he could reply their was a yellow flash turning around she came face to face with Minato namakazi the fourth Hokage

Walking up to the purple haired girl he gently took the baby from her "thank you Genin for getting my son back. What is your name?" He asked with a smile.

Giving a big grin with her hands on her hips her chest stuck out proudly "Anko Mitarashi apprentice to the Snake Sannin Orochimaru!" She declared

Giving her an amused look "well I thank you Anko-chan for saving him." Looking back at the man on the ground making a motion with his hand two ANBU jumped down from the trees taking the missing-nin away to be interrogated.

"Anko-chan why don't we get him back to his mother to be named. I'm sure she would love to meet you." He said as they walked back to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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