The Ethereal Son

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I’m intoxicated. I just lost to a poker game! My friend defeated me. Well, I’ll take back the money I’ve lost. Ha! Our seasons would be reversed, my spring, her fall. I make my way to my house and opened the door. I see my son, Jerome doing the laundry. He is a product of rape. I was raped at a very young age by a stranger. “Hey! You’re such a lazy ass creature! It’s already dusk and you’re not yet done with the laundry?!” I say with an angry tone. “I…I’m sorry mother. I just got home from school.” He replies. I rush at his side and hit his head with my backhand. What a useless creature! I give him a scowl. He won’t achieve his dream. He’s an ineffective person anyway.

I fall asleep on the couch.

I wake up with the food ready. Stockfish and rice again?! I eat that almost everyday! Jerome has no variations at all! There’s many food on the table, like I’m the first one to eat it. Wait, Jerome didn’t eat? Ha! Good for him. I won’t attend to my gambling session for this day. I don’t have the urge. I will go to the bar nearby. The beer is cheap there.

I arrive at the bar and find a seat for myself. Straight away, I immediately ordered beer to somehow escape this miserable life. I notice that there’s a newly installed television there. The waiter gives me my order. Before putting the lip of the bottle on my mouth, I look at the television. Hmm, this face looks familiar. It’s…… It’s Jerome! A-a-and he’s wearing a tuxedo! Where did he get that?! What the heck is he doing there?! “Everyone, here is the champion of this national singing contest, Jerome Dela Cruz! But Jerome, before singing your winning song, please give a message to someone close to your life.” The host says with an endearing tone. Jerome scans the crowd. He starts crying. “Mom, I love you. I love you with all my heart. I’m so thankful that I met you. You have been such a very huge part in my life. Sorry if I was late in doing the laundry yesterday. I promise it won’t happen again. Look mom, I just won 2 million. Don’t worry, we won’t experience life in the slums again. See, I found a way to escape ourselves from poverty! I hope you’re watching and I wish that you are proud of me. I love you above all things.” He says. “And this win is for you!” He adds while wiping his face because of his tears.

I honestly don’t know what to feel.

I’m flustered.

He sings his winning song. He has a great voice. My son has a great voice! I immediately leave the beer that I’ve ordered on the table. I go to my house and waited for Jerome. For the first time, I felt so proud of him. I’m proud of my son. I love him and I regret all of what I’ve done. Yes, the damage has been done and I hope that he’ll forgive me. Time passes by and I wake up.

It’s already dusk.

I remember. This time yesterday, I was giving him an icy stare and hit him with my backhand. This time today, I regret the harm I have inflicted to him, physically and emotionally.

The door opens and it’s my son.

I hug him and tears start to drip from my eyes. “I’m sorry son. Yes, I’m proud of you and I love you.” I say. His face looks shocked. “I was in the bar when I heard your message for me. I’m really sorry for everything.” I add. “You’ve heard what? You heard everything?” He replies. He is obviously lost for words. “Yes. What happened? How did you get involved of such?” I say. “Well, everything started when I was sweeping the floor. At the same time, I was also singing. Inday, our neighbor, heard me and asked me to join the national singing competition. At first, I declined because I knew, deep inside of me that there’s a lot of strong contenders out there. And I also knew that you’ll get angry of me if I joined there. But Inday insisted. She said that I sing like an angel and I have a high chance of winning the 2 million prize. I was overwhelmed with the prize money. I thought about it. If I win the competition, we won’t experience any hardships anymore. So I agreed. Fortunately, I won the competition.” He narrates. “Okay mom, I have to do the laundry again. I didn’t finish it yesterday because I was busy practicing my song for the competition.” He replies. “And oh, the tuxedo that I am wearing right now? It’s from a fan, mom.” He adds

The story that he just narrated is touching. The story is just like in the television shows. I can’t believe it’s real.

“No son, I’ll be the one to do the laundry. I’ll be the one to do everything for you.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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