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Hey guys! I haven't post anything thing lately because I don't get any inspiration. So if you have anything inspiring, comment!!

This story is written by my boyfriend <3



I woke up in a dry, sandy grave. I know nothing of who I am, where I am, or why I’m here. I sat up to find myself wearing old, ripped jeans and a gray t-shirt. I got up onto my feet wearing an old pair of black converse. I say to myself in a raspy voice, “Where am I?”

I then got the “brilliant idea of screaming out loud, “Hello? is anyone out there?” No answer.

I begin to walk forward hoping to find some kind of civilization. My legs are sore from what I presume was a long walk before my long slumber. Thirty minutes pass by and I realize, I’m stuck out in a desert with no help whatsoever. An hour passes by and the sky begins to darken. I decide to sleep and save my energy. I lied down on a rough, sandy “bed” and tried to sleep. I awoke that same night. I attempted to fall back asleep but failed. I decided to continue on my journey to find kind of civilization. As I continued to walk I thought of more questions. Questions like, did I have a family, how old am I, where did I live, did I have any friends. I chose to ignore the questions and focus on the task at hand. The environment got to me and I found myself thirsty and hungry. No. I needed to find civilization. A city means people, and people have answers. Maybe I should go to the police and ask if they have anything about me. Was I a criminal? I doubt it. A couple days of the same, boring routine -walking in a straight line and hoping to see people or buildings- passed by. I had given up hope and I thought that I no longer had a reason for living. As it got darker, I collapsed on my knees crying. I screamed aloud, “ Why?! Why am I here?! What’s happening?!” As I sat there wallowing in my own sweat and tears, I looked up and found a bright light. I thought to myself, “This is it! I’m finally dying!” I ran towards the light and found giant buildings. A city. I screamed at the top of my lungs and I began to cry with joy. Finally, some hope.

I got into the city with high hopes. It was here where I saw myself for the first time(since losing memory) in the reflection of a taxi window. I was tall and very skinny. I looked like I haven’t eaten or drank in days (probably because I didn’t). I had short dark hair and fair skin. I looked around. So many people. I stopped a tall hispanic man with a thick mustache and a button up shirt. I asked him, “Excuse me sir, where am I?”

He replied with a thick, Spanish accent, “Las Vegas, amigo!”

I murmured to myself, “ Las Vegas? Out of all places, Las Vegas? Wow..” I looked around in awe. I stepped into a hotel to be hit with a blast of cool air. I decided, why not go to a casino, it wouldn’t hurt (I didn’t realize I was not allowed to be in said area). As I sat down, a security guard approached me.

The security guard said, “Why is someone your age over here? Where are your parents!”

“My parents?”

“No parents huh? Come with me”

We began to walk to a “staff only” area. The security guard sat me down on a chair and proceeded to ask me questions.

“What’s your name kid?”

“I don’t know sir…”

“You don’t know your own name?”

“No sir.”

“How old are you?”

“I don’t know that either sir..”

He gave me a quizzical look and picked up a phone. He dialed in some numbers and then talked into the phone saying, “Yeah we have a kid over here who doesn’t know who or how old he is, maybe you can help him out… Ten minutes? ...Okay see you soon.” He said more, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. He hung up the phone. He told me in a stern and suspicious voice, “The police will be here in a bit.. They can help you remember.”

I sat there for about five minutes looking around in a small, cramped room. Then out of nowhere, the door swung open. There in the doorway was a tall, buff policeman. He took off his sunglasses and said, “Is this that kid you were talking about, Bill?”

“Yes sir.” said the security guard.

“All right kid, come with me.” And from there we walked out of the hotel and into a police car. I sat in the back seat silently for what seemed for hours before arriving at the police station. I was then escorted into the officer’s office. It was small, cluttered room filled with papers. He sat me down in a chair just like the security guard did. He walked to his desk and pulled up files, trying to find some history about me. As he looked through the files, another policeman bursted through the door behind me.

The policeman said, “We finally caught him officer!” He ran to me and handcuffed me.

“What’s going on?!” I screamed

The commander said, “Blake Sheppard you’re under arrest for theft.”

“I don’t even know who I am!”

“Son you’re Blake Sheppard, world renowned thief. You’re a thirteen year old orphan who has been stealing government intel for who knows what.”

“But this can’t be..”

“Take a look for yourself kid. That security guard you were with? He didn’t just say you didn’t know who you were. He said that he knew who you were and immediately informed us. Good thing we sent out a notice about you. You were running from us and found yourself in the desert. You probably passed out from sleep deprivation and hit your head on something.” He showed a picture of me, and underneath was a list of the crimes I’ve committed. I have accepted my fate. It was certain I was going to jail. I was dragged into a cell. The cell I would spend 20 years of my life in. That day it all came back to me. The running. The stealing. Everything came back. I am Blake Sheppard, thirteen years old.

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