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"I'm done trey" raven yelled crying storming off into the bathroom,

"baby what did I do this time just talk to me" I said trying to grab her arm before she can fully get in there but she quickly snatched away

" No! stop fucking touching me" she screamed slamming the door in my face. I sighed " baby girl we not going to be able to get through this if we don't talk about it" she opened the door aggressively with tears coming down her face and her next words shattered me

" maybe I don't WANT to get through this....I just want to be threw with you" she said whispering the last part while looking me in my eyes with defeat

"Raven no I can make this right please" I pleaded looking like a complete bitch

" ill do whatever it takes , we can even go to the couples therapy like you wanted a few months back, don't just give up please" I said actually starting to tear up now,I really love my baby moms and I see myself marrying her one day.

She shook her head " no trey it's too late, I can't keep doing this we're toxic it's not good for the kids to see us doing this please just give me some time to figure things out" she said wiping her tears as mines started to fall

" bab-" I started but she cut me off

"trey just stop! If you loved me as much as you say you do you'll give me time" she said raising her voice getting slightly irritated by my begging, I just shook my head and walked out the room leaving her standing there, I needed to smoke🤦🏾‍♂️I called up premo to see if he had some smoke

Phone call

Premo💸: hello

Me: wassup nigga

Premo💸: shit highhh as a mf (laughing) why wassup?

Me: (laughs) shit man my head fucked up man I need to smoke and vent like a mf

Premo💸: alright bro slide through I got some good shit too, we'll talk when you get here

Me: alright bro one

End of phone call

"Daddy daddy" I hear my four year old yelling asf ran to me for a hug

" heyy baby girl" said smiling picking her up, imma miss this shit man

" daddy are you leaving?" She asked still hugging on to me

" yeah I'll be back in going to see uncle P" I said sitting her down as raven walk in the kitchen without even acknowledging me

" Nyla what do you want for lunch baby?" Raven asked Nyla

" umm...candy!"

I laughed " now baby what did I tell you about candy?" I asked her

" candy rotten your teeth" she said disappointed

" don't you want all your teeth when you get older baby girl?" I looked at her pinching her little cheek

" yesss" she said hyper

" okay so pick something else healthy to eat for lunch" I said looking away from her to raven who was bent over in the fridge looking for something, and her ass was looking nice if I do say so myself, I came up behind her with my hands on her waist and she got up fast and pushed me away

" trey would you stop" she said serious,

" I told you we not doing this anymore so just stop" she whisper yelled so she wouldn't alarm Nyla

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