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Lacey's View

Lexi was fully passed out and I was worried. She is my best friend. She got a second chance at being human. She can't die already. Finally, after what seemed like forever, we got to the hospital and the paramedics rushed Lexi into the hospital. I rushed after them, not leaving her side. She was so pale. The paramedics immediately hooked her up to a machine and told me that I had to wait in the waiting room. I didn't want to go out there because I know that I will see everyone. I don't even want to see Elliot. Maybe I should have never decided to date him. I regret it. I shook my head to try to remove the thought of wanting to break up with him, but it stayed. I sighed and walked out into the waiting room.

Elliot's View

Tristan, Lila, and I were waiting in the waiting room when Lacey walked out. She looked miserable. Her face was stained with tears and her makeup was running down her face. She didn't seem to care though. She saw me but she went to the other side of the waiting room, away from Tristan,Lila, and I. I didn't blame her though. Maybe she didn't want company.

Tristan's View

Lacey came out to the waiting room and didn't tell us any news. I walked over to her and she ignores me. "Listen, I know you are sad, but she is my girlfriend. At least tell me how she is doing. You insisted on going with her,so you tell me what happened." I said. Lacey looked at me and mascara was all down her face. "She is hardly breathing. She is super pale and the doctors told me that she lost alot of blood and they are not sure if she is going to live." Lacey said, almost collapsing into tears. I stayed silent after she told me this and I just sat in shock. There is no way she could die. I ran up to the front desk. "Can I see Lexi Parkinson? She is my girlfriend." The front desk lady looked at me and sighed. "They are only accepting family in there right now." She said with a apologetic voice. "Her family all died. She has no one left." I informed the lady. "Well, I can not obey orders. I am very sorry, young man." She sighed and shooed me away. I walked away from the desk and sat next to Lacey again. "They only are allowing family to see her." I told her. Lacey looked down at the ground and didn't respond to my statement. She looked so overtired and restless. She needed some sleep, but I know she will refuse to sleep until she sees if Lexi is okay.

Lila's View

Why is Lacey sitting with Tristan instead of Elliot..? I looked at Elliot and he was sleeping. He was so cute when he was sleeping. He was way over tired. I looked at Lacey and Tristan and they were not speaking to each other. They were looking at the ground. I do feel kind of bad for what happened. But I did not give her the razors. I hope she's okay. For Elliot's sake. He wouldn't be happy if Lacey wasn't.

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