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Hey there, guess what? I've some seriously amazing news to share with you amazing people. Gosh, I'm so proud to say this. Okay, so...


Fine, now. Without taking much of your time, I wanna really thank you from the bottom of my heart for checking this story out. Oh, did I tell you that you guys are the best!! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Please, do not forget to vote and comment. Yes, comment. Please peeps do comment. It is the fuel that keeps my fire burning. You don't know what magic your comments do to me. It really makes my day. And finally, promote. Since you guys are so awesome, you must be having really awesome friends please share with them this story. Let it spread!! ;)

I guess that's it. So, enjoy now and have an amazing day.


 I slightly turned right towards St Felipe Street. He's just behind me. If I don't come up with some plan of dodging him then he'll find some way of getting to me. I can't forget he has a gun. I'm only safe till I'm in public. He must be looking for some way to get me to a stranded road. I swallowed.

Adrenaline was running through my veins. But even all this fast and furious action couldn't erase the numbness that has so tightly clung on to my bones. Every time I blink I see her pale face. The way she collapsed on the floor when he shot her. She died saving me and I couldn't do anything. I wish if I could go back and take her to the hospital. But I can't. He'll kill me.

4 hours ago:

November 8, sixteen years ago on this day my biological parents, Richard and Hillary Andrews died as their one-million-dollar mansion in Polo Anto, mysteriously burned down to the ground with them trapped in it. Some Forensic researchers say that it was due to dead short while others say that it was due to lightening because on that day Polo Anto had a heavy thunderstorm. But all these are wild speculations because everything with the house burned down completely. Even my parents. Their bodies were charred beyond recognition. That's what came in the newspapers.

However, the interesting thing was that for a populous city like San Francisco, how it is that no one could spot a burning house? People will say that it is because of the violent thunderstorm but that's something I cannot take in for an answer. There must be more to it. After that it never came in the newspapers. The whole incident was swallowed down by other important incidents. As if those speculations were taken as to be real. I don't know but I want to know the truth after all they were my parents.

I don't remember my parents. I was barely one year old when this incident took place. The little that I know about them was from Richard Andrews' close friend Matt Burns. Matt was Richard's financial advisor and a family friend. During the time of the accident I was with Matt and his wife Melissa. That's how I survived.

After my parents' death, no kin of mine bothered to come forward to take the responsibility for my upbringing so it was Matt, as he felt that it was his obligation to take care of his best friend's daughter. I'm glad that it was him because I honestly doubt if any other man could love me like him. Sometimes I doubt if my biological father could love me so well as he does. I still shiver at the thought of what would have been of me if he too chose to be like others. But he didn't. He brought me up like his own daughter and gave me his name. Matt burns' daughter Amelia Burns. It is something for which I'll always be thankful to him.

Now, the world knows me as the daughter of Matt and Melissa Burns. Matt doesn't want people to know until it is required that I'm their foster child because that would make me feel single out. He's an incredible father. While, Melissa is just the opposite if it would have been up to her then she would have never let Matt adopt me. I can see it in the way she behaves with me. Always so cold, barely talking to me. Like I was some sort of an intruder in her life. But on the brighter side this is my last year with her. Next year, I'll be going to the Princeton university and make my way into some good internship program that pays well so that I could pay part of my college tuition money. Although I'll miss Matt.

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