Part 1: James route

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You here a faint calling of your name. But even if you look, all you see is white. You get sudden and horrifying flashbacks and suddenly you remember all that happened. You suddenly snap out of it when you feel water being splashed onto you. "Miss, you were having another bad dream. I tried to wake you earlier, but i didn't want to disturb you." James says as you watch him set the cup down. "I-Im sorry to wake you up." You say, looking at the floor."
"You did nothing wrong, Y\N." James says kissing your forehead.
"J-James, can you stay in here t-tonight?" You say blushing. You wanted to feel him there with you.
"Of course, Miss." James says, leading you towards your bed, along with getting in with you. His arms hug around you, and you feel a shiver run down your back. You fall asleep easily, as James plays with your hair.

James pov:

Once Y\N fell asleep, I go downstairs to get a glass of water. I find all my brothers talking about Y\N, and arguing about who is getting "laid" first.
"She cant resist me." Erik says, as i walk up to them. "Boys, whats going on?" I say, giving them an eyebrow raise. "Were descussing who is getting laid first, which will obviously be me." Sam says giving me a grinning smirk.
"You boys are so immature." I say, glaring at them all.
"Y\N is sleeping, so keep quiet." I say rolling my eyes and walking to the cabinet.
"Why are you being such a bummer?" Matthew says, patting my shoulder akwardly.
I turn around angrily and yell, "Because im the only one who cares about Y\N's protection!" I then walk into my room. But before i do, I see Y\N looking at me. I turn red. She must have heard the arguement downstairs. She walks up to me and kisses me. I was shocked but immediatly kissed back. The kiss got deeper and rougher, but we decided to stop there. "You should probably go to bed, Miss." I say as i kiss her forehead. "Oh o-ok," Y\N says and walks upstairs.
I look at the clock, and realize that its 2 in the morning. I yawn and go to my room. And fall asleep instantly.

Authors note: im sorry that this is such a short chapter, 404 words to be exact. Im trying my best. Stay tuned for part 2 :P

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