26th June 2017 [chatroom]

45 1 2

9:25pm, Monday, Locrona, Britain

Clare: Have you guys all got your essays ready for Miss Tholt's class?


Jamie: I'm starting it now 😝

Poppy: AHHHH!!! I FORGOT!!!!

Jamie: You always forget about it XD

Matt: We have Miss Tholt's class tomorrow?

Mark: OML 😂

Clare: Come on guys, this is serious, we can't just do this at this time, it's really late, and may I remind everyone that's it's going to be assessed and everything.

Melody: Come on, just relax I'm sure it's not that important. It's the end of the year anyway, what can be so important that the school is going to immediately change everything or make dramatic changes.

Clare: It's just... important

Melody: It's not though, just please stop making a mountain out of a molehill, it's only a tiny essay, not the end of the world

Heather: Well someone hasn't done their homework then... 😂

Melody: SHUT UP!!!!

Heather: I'm joking, I'm joking 😂😂😂

Ava: Have you done you're then? I've done mine

Heather: Yeah I've done it

James: I'm not in the lesson... SUCKERS!!!!!!

Oliver: W-W-WUT??? NUU!! That's not fair!!!!!!

James: Stop, you know where I'm going XD

Oliver: Touché

Heather: OML 😂😂

Clare: Where are you going James?

James: I've got a thing I've got to go to

Mark: Veeeeeeeery specific 👌

James: I'm not allowed to tell anyone XD

Oliver: I wunna GOOO!!!! Miss Tholt hates me!!!

Poppy: FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!

Ava: Yeah, she kind of does >:)

Clare: HOW have you finished????????

Poppy: I copied and pasted it :)

Matt: That's smart!

Heather: Guys, it's 20:30 I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow 😇

Melody: Night Sis


Clare: Goodnight

Matt: Bye

Oliver: BAIIII!!!!!! 🌸☺️

Ava: Night Candy 🍬

Mark: goooooooooooodBYYYEEEEE

Jamie: 🌙

James: Boyyyyyyy

Catherine: Hallo, and Bye ma' G

Poppy: Catherine... HAYYYYYYY

Clare: Is for horses, so what?

Catherine: AYYYYYYY

Matt: That was pretty good 😂

Mark: Nice 👌


Jamie: Aaaaaaaaand you ruined it

Melody: OML 😂😂

James: Offensive but true 😂😜

Clare: I agree to that

Melody: GUYS, I think I just heard a gunshot 😫

Matt: Woah, what? Really?

Melody: Yeah, it was really loud and I heard a huge thump, I'm really scared, what if it's a mass murderer??

Clare: It's probably not, there haven't been any news reports on anything recently, I'm sure it's fine

Ava: Why don't you look?

Jamie: Yeah, which room did it sound like it came from?

Melody: Heather's room

Poppy: Well... she's dead...

Mark: Poppy this really isn't the time.

Catherine: Yeah, come on 🙄

Poppy: Sorry 😂😂

Clare: Melody? Which room is she in?

Melody: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUCK!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

James: What, what, what??????

Melody: HEATHER'S DEAD 😭😭😭😭

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