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•Silence in the library by Murray Gold -Doctor Who Series 4

"Ooh! A library! I love a library! Books! Best weapons in the world!" Clara and the Doctor were currently in a library, with the Doctor practically shouting and Clara slapping a hand to her face.

"Doctor!" She hisses quietly. "It's a library!" He turned and faced her, confused. "Yeah it is. So?" "So," she whispered, frustrated, "you have to be quiet! It's the rules!" He made a frown before spotting the science section and ran over to it, browsing the books like a kid in a sweet shop, Clara deciding to stay back and just watch the Doctor. These were rare moments, and she enjoyed seeing him happy. It made her happy.

•Nobody's Hero by Black Veil Brides -Wretched and Divine

"Thank you, Clara. You saved me. All of me." It was after Trenzalore, and Clara was laying in her bed, the Doctor sat on the edge. "You would of done it." She said quietly, a small smile playing on her lips.

The Doctor saw that she didn't really know how much of a big deal it was to him, so he took her hands in his and made her look at him. "Clara, you saved my life. You're my hero."

She looked away bashfully, finding it a bit overwhelming. All she did was walk into some light, for crying out loud! She truly didn't believe that she could be the Doctors hero, she was too small and insignificant for that.

"Clara, listen to me. You saved me, you're my hero, and I love you."

•Crying Shame by Jack Johnson -In Between Dreams 

The Doctor lay in his bed, crying and trying to muffle the noise in a pillow. He had broken his leg by falling from a shelf in the library, and couldn't do anything apart from be in bed, and he was ashamed of himself. Ashamed because he couldn't take care of himself, that he was so weak, that he couldn't manage it on his own.

Unfortunately, Clara heard the sobs, being amplified by the TARDIS and her feet pounded against the floor as she ran to his room. "Doctor?" She asked, bursting into his room.

The Doctor curled into a ball and hid away from her, not wanting her to see him in his current state. "Go away."

Clara knew what was going on. It was like when Angie cried, except this was the Doctor, and she couldn't just leave the Doctor. Slowly, she sat on the edge of the bed and rested a steady hand on his back. "It's okay to cry, Doctor. But you need to know you aren't alone." She made a split second decision before lifting up the covers and sliding behind him, her chest to his back.

"I'm always here if you need me. Always."

•Feeling Good by Escala -Escala

The Doctor spun around the console with a large grin on his face. He was going to tell Clara today, he knew it. He just hoped she felt the same. "I feel good!"

"And why is that, Chin Boy?"

The Doctor jumped at the sudden voice, almost tripping over his own feet. "Oh, Clara! You're awake! Lovely! Um-" He stopped, suddenly forgetting how he was going to tell her.

"What is it, Chin?" Clara was intrigued by this, something had gotten the Doctor extremely happy, and she wanted to know what it was.

"Well, you see Clara-um... I'mfallinginlovewithyou." He rushed, nervous.

"Your what?"

"I'm falling in love with you Clara. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, the most selfless, the most perfect and I love you."

Clara was stunned. The Doctor loved her? He loved her! She squealed and ran over to him, lips crashing together in a frenzy of teeth and passion. "I love you too ChinBoy."

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