Going Mental

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There's too much homework, not enough fun. Gosh it sucks. I mean come on, I expected this didn't I? I had it coming. Come on, they're catholic.

They're like damn nuns, in those gay clothes. This is the 21st century, aren't they aware?

They don't even wear make up, is that a sin or something? Beats me.

They don't have sweets and they don't swear at dinner, and all they do is say thank you you and lalalala all the time, just SHUT UP! I'm over the polite, nice bull crap. I know they don't like me. I want one of the to have the balls and say it. I mean come on, this shit is driving me nuts. They're all looking at me,smiling. It's alright bitch, I don't bite. Or maybe I do, you wouldn't know would you? Anyway, I need to get out of this shit hole, there is no other way to put it really.

The food tastes like crap and these classes or time wasters, whatever they are, are a joke. Summer camp. Is. Horrible. My parents sent me here and everyone knows I hate them. These people expect me to run and laugh and smile ,how about NO. I don't run, I don't smile because it hurts my face. It's beyond me to be nice, it's impossible. No I'm not a bitch, maybe I am. I am capable of loving loving people, I do have to capacity for emotions and such and such, it's just I prefer not to care or be overly emotional. I had a dog once, I loved it. Well it's not an IT, his name was Milo. What a boy he was, but then he died and my parents took him away, I needed him....

"What are we here for?" The instructor screams and I whisper to myself,

"To die, and burn in hell because this place is hell and so is your face." I think someone heard what I said and everyone erupts in laughter.

"What's so funny?" Says the fat blonde idiotic female instructor. One of those stupid kids is going to tell her what I said. I have to shut them up, I'll beat them half to death, I don't care. I am not going to be like these people. I don't want to be the same. Normal, a word I cannot stand. Oh shit, I'm going down.

"Is that really what you said?" Says the male instructor, looking rather serious. I'm debating, if I say yes will the beat the shit out of my arse or lock me up, or if I say no will they ever believe me or let me out of here? I think it's time to come clean.

"Yes, that is exactly what I said," I smile sarcastically and watch the faces around me change dramatically. Oh shit, that blonde bitch is holding a cricket bat. They are aware it's illegal to hit children? Well I'm not a child. I'm sixteen. I'm old enough to get screwed and drop out of school if I feel like it. But still, I did learn taekwando when I was fifteen so I can punch. Well, I'm no match for a base ball bat and a thousand screaming children. I'm going to to the smartest thing I know how, run. I usually don't run, this ain't my sort of thing. It's not my cup of tea. Exercise, please... I think I'll be sick. I'm side running. I have to tell myself something or else I'll be a dead bitch in less than a minute.

It's night now, I'm trying to find a way to climb this fence, but I'm pretty sure I'll be electrocuted if I do it. I need pliers, I'll have to cut it. I don't think I'll die doing that, will I? I never paid much attention in science, probably because it was the most pathetic and useless crap ever invented. But, now I wish I'd bothered. It's silent, I get my phone out of my pocket. Where's that app, you know, the torch one? Thank goodness, I've found it. I think I must have been blessed when I was born, I'm as bright as a button. That's the reason I know you bring matches, pliers, scissors and all that extra jazz to a summer camp. Did I mention it's a religious camp? Anyway, I'm getting out of here. I've got the red pliers and I'm cutting the fence when suddenly I hear something, I cut faster, shaking. I have to hurry up damn it, before I get caught. Oh shit, I'm really doing this, I duck through the hole I've created and step out the other side. Bless you Karen,you've done it! Yes, every now and then I do talk about myself in third person. It's not a big deal. I put my black hoodie on my head and take my mascara out from the pocket of my jeans. I apply a fresh batch and line my eyes with black eye pencil. I apply my blood red lipstick and I'm ready, ready to start a new life on my own...

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