Midnight Snack

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Marinette got up in the middle of the night cuz she felt hungry all of a sudden and wanted same cookies. So she want to the kitchen and got same cookies and went back to her room. As she passed by the clock on the wall she glanced at the time 11:34 pm.

It was Saturday and she was just going to bed after she had texted her boyfriend "night" he didn't texted back like he usually did but she wasn't worried, he probably just fell asleep. She was just crawling in to bed when she felt two arms reach around her waist and hug her from behind.

She know exactly how it was the moment he hugged her. It was her boyfriend. Chat/Adrien.

"You didn't jump this time, m'lady" he said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"That's because I knew exactly who it was." She said.

"Ooooh" is all he said when he started to kiss her neck. He could hear the moans coming from his girlfriend and he loved every sound coming from those gorgeous lips.

"C-chat m-my mom's d-down stairs asleep s-s-stop." She said with a huge blush on her face. She didn't want to wake her mom and explain what was happening. What is she going to say *hey mom chat noir is cheating on ladybug with me. That is why he is here in the middle of the night kissing my neck* yeah totally believable.

Right after she said stop he did as she asked and stopped kissing her neck.

"OK I'll stop but only cuz you asked me to and cuz I love you~" he said no resting his nose into her neck when he said the last part. She turned around and gave him a long and passionate kiss. While they were kissing chat released his transformation.

"What was that for?" He said after he pulled away in surprise.
"I didn't know I guessed wanted to" she said very quietly and sweetly. After she said that he kissed her.

They crawled into bed, marinette snuggled up to his chest and Adrien hands raped around her waist and they fell asleep.


Hey guys sorry this chapter was short I will make longer ones then this cuz this chapter is only 407 words so ya and I hop you enjoyed I will get the second chapter up whenever I can, that is all.

*bug out

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