chapter one

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  Undecided Love

Chapter One

Jasmin Malik the daughter of MIchelle and Zayn Malik who is in the popular boyband One Direction , she was well known in schol because everyone liked one direction .

Jasmine was 15 years old she had long brown hair she was starting her junior year in school. Jasmine woke to  the sound of an alarm clock , she got up and picked out her favourite demim skirt and pink blouse , she straightened her hair and head ed downstairs to have breakfast. 

"hi sweetie here is your breakfast , nikki called shell be here soon. " said Michelle as she handed her a plate .

She walked over to the table and sat down and ate her food and then she texted Nikki to see if shw was almost her house. all of a sudden thw doorbell rang , Zayn went to answer the door .

"Hi Nikki how are you ? ill let Jasmine know your here." Zayn said as he walked  I to the kitchen and told jasmine her friend was here.

"Bye mom , bye dad see you later." she said and walked out the door.

They walked to school and while standing in the front of the school they noticed this really nice  sliver bmw pull up in the parking lot and a gorgeous blonde boy get out.

"Oh my god who is that ! " Nikki exclaimed as she kept staring at the guy walking towards them .

"I dont know he must be new but he is definitely good looking " Jasmine said as she noticed him looking towards her way.

"Hi im Theo just moved here not to long ago , whats your name ? He asked curiously.

She just started at him and was sturing " uh .. Jasmine " She said in shy voice blushing turning her face away from him.

"Thats a very beautiful name Jasmine I hope to see you around. " He said and wallked into the school .

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