I stared out the window as Blake drove carefully through the city streets.
Things seemed so different, poverty lined on every corner and the sky which I remembered shined so brightly before now seemed to be a dinged gray.
"Things sure have changed," I found myself whispering.
Blake nodded in agreement."After you guys went missing things fell through. A lot of people think the city's corrupted by the rich. I kind of don't blame them. Kind of makes me support my choice of why I wanted to get into this job in the first place."
That made me smile, even if it was a tiny one."Still trying to be that Knight in shining armor?"
He shrugged beside me as he turned into my drive way.
"This city needs something to believe in."
I took in his words as we drove the half a mile to my house.
Dilaurentis Manor.
My great grandfather built this place on two hands and on his knees.
It was located just outside the edge of Acura city.
Perfect location for the supposedly perfect family.
As the tires popped over gravel Blake stopped the car just outside the door.
"Home sweet home." I found myself saying as I got out.
I held the jacket Blake had gotten for me clutched within my arms as I stepped out.
The front door opened and I was greeted with a crowd full of people filing out.
"Senorita!" My Latina maid, Rosa greeted embracing me in a tight hug, for a minute I thought she wasn't going to let go.
Thankfully my loyal and gracious Butler, Winston, pulled her off of me.
"Good God woman the poor child is turning purple."
He said peeling her away. He grabbed me by my shoulders and grinned down at me.
"It is very good to see you my dear." He whispered.
Winston was the closest thing to a father I could ever have and it felt good to embrace him once again.
"Oh Winston I've missed you so much." I said my words muffled in his chest.
He pulled back and gave me another satisfying smile before turning to Blake.
"Master Grant. Your mother called she wishes to speak to you urgently." Winston said, Blake turned towards me, and I shooed him off.
Next to come down the stairs was my cousin, Becka, who hugged me quickly before pulling away to stare at me with wide blue eyes.
"It's really you! I thought you were dead!" she gasped.
I placed a hand on her shoulder urging her to take a deep breath before she continued on.
"Relax, Bex will you? She just got home."
We both turned to see her older brother Victor coming down the stairs as well to greet me.
"Good to have you back." he said smiling down at me.
Time, I see had got to them too, they both were not the little kids dad used to bribe me to play with anymore.
Bex, now I see had grown out of her braces and pony tails and looked like a full blown model with her blonde hair and designer clothes.
Her older brother who always loved to play the bad boy seemed to have grown out of that faze, and now walked around like a business professional. Pressed and polished as Blake and I used to call them.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the gently combed hair and freshly pressed clothes.
The world thought I was dead and technically the company was next in line to him.
"Rosa," Bex spoke finally disturbing the awkward silence."Will you prepare Aylin's favorite dish for dinner tonight? Winston let my father know to leave the office early, we have a miracle to celebrate."
Bex winked at me as she looped her arm through mine.
I nodded towards Rosa and Winston who went off to do their work as I was led inside the house.
"I'm so glad you're back I bet you haven't seen a good manicure in years!" She said as Victor rolled his eyes beside us.
"And good gracious! Look at these clothes where did you get them? Goodwill?" She asked pinching the fabric between her perfectly chipped nails as if it was a dead bug she was afraid to touch.
"Blake actually," I laughed.
Bex rolled her eyes, "No surprise there the guy dresses like it's still 2012."
I found my brow burrowing in confusion which caused a panic stricken look to cross her face.
"Oh my gosh! We have a lot to catch you up on."
RomanceI was thirteen when my childhood and father were ripped away. Now that I'm back the people responsible who thought I was dead are going to wish I was. Aylin Dilaurentis, has returned home a different person from when she left one with a vendetta, wh...