Chapter 1- A Tender Friendship~

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"Fritz!!! Can't you go any faster!? We are going to miss the plane!" "Wait let me finish this"
As we are preparing for our trip to Negros Occidental. At another topic I'm already in series at my League of Legends~ huweee Gold 1 one here I come!! "Heyyyy!!! aren't you finished yet!?" as I'm destroying their nexus... Nice~

"Done! Go! Go! Go! Go!" As I Shouted down the stairs looking at my Little beautiful meany girlfriend... "What took you so long?" As she Scolded me "I uhh.. I umm... Took a poop?" Damn, no further explanation... Panic answer? Hahahahaha
"Whatever, let's go, our friends are already waiting at the airport" "OK² sorry" as I pouted my lips to make the cute sad look... :(

I am Fritz Andrew Vicente, and my cutey small but meany little girlfriend Raven Sagal... We met when we were still in highschool.. Where people tried to pinch,squeeze, twist my poor chubby body, she's so... So.. So... *whispers* "small".
Well, were kinda like the same height,HAHAHAHAHA!

She's cute, intelligent and a little devil in her heart and that's more like it. Oh, and she has Gothic eyes that so dark you'll think she's a panda.. A cute little baby panda. Now you're asking about Gino and others? Ha! We just met at a cafeteria where we eat! Then BOOM! Friendship made...
Back to the story...

"Hey! Gino, Gwyneth, Johnna! Over here!" She shouted as we arrive at the airport."faster Pretz!", "What Faster!?"
Surprisingly I shouted,"Idiot! Walk faster!" Then she giggled. "Yes Ma'am!" Then I suddenly run to all of them then shouted. "Walk faster cutipie!" She then suddenly run then slipped to the floor she goes. "Sh*t" she said "are you okay cute?"
"Yes! very! there's no blood on my knee, I'm not hurt" she answered sarcastically.
I then told Bombio, our friend graduated from medical school... "It's nothing to worry about, just a little scratch" ,"just apply it with bethadine then cover it with bandage" said Johnna the beautiful chubby nurse... "Guys.. Umm.. The plane?" Said the small but terrible Jancy..

"Let's go guys! Gotta catch the flight" said the super sticks ligiea Yvette the skinny cute girl with glasses."yeah" said by the big nose,funny Gino. Then the others agreed. We laughed we talk about what are we gonna do there "oh! What about we go first to Bacolod City?" As Said by Liellane our cute slightly strict cheographer in any dance, K-Pop? Easy, Folk dance? Easy, Hip Hop? Easy, "Yeah! Isn't it the city of smiles? Maybe we could enjoy a lot in there!" Agreed by our mother superior in friendship Gwyneth. "Then it's decided, Bacolod City is our first stop!" As I shouted! "Yeah!" Everyone agreed. As we are going to the plane using a small bus. I met an old looking Lady with scary look on my face saying "mag halong kamo." What? The heck? Is she saying? Hearing those words, I don't even know what it means... It gives me goosebumps...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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