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Ember's POV
" Meow, merowwwwww, meowwwww" Martez yelled, I guess mom wasn't kidding when she said he hates riding in cars.

"Sorry for the noise my cat doesn't like riding in cars very much" I tell the driver apologetically as I try and calm Martez down.

"Hmm don't worry about it miss it's fine and if you thing it will help as long as you keep um back there you can let them out." The driver responded slowing down slightly so that I could move safely.

" Thank you, I'll try and calm him down." I respond as I turn around fully as unhook the cat carrier and pick up Martez. "Come here kitty calm down your safe don't worry" I whisper to Martez as I being him to my lap and cuddle him.

Kitty should be to the house by now; I hope her flight went well. Collage huh luckily I was able to get a full scholarship for my classes so I don't have to worry about money as much. Hopefully I can handle both majors and still help Kitty with anything she needs. We can order food online so that I don't have to deal with people as much. Is there anything we'll need, food check, I already have my bags at the house, I ordered what we'll need for the cats, dog, and a ferret, there's a supply of food that I bought before I went back for the cats so we should be good for now. I have all my books and school supplies back at the house as well.

*. Buzz buzz*

Oh my phone I should turn it off airplane mode thanks past self for setting a reminder.
The moment I turn my phone off airplane phone I proceed to get 12 notifications from Aslan, 30 from Abi,and a staggering 1 from both my parents combined. I should start with responding to my parents it will be easier.

Mom: hey you land safe me and your father miss you good luck

Me: yeah thanks love you

Next to on to my lovely internet parents welp I'm sure this will be nice. I should check up on the chats in Amino as well. As I open the app I get a notification from line from snowi.

Snowi: hey how was your flight? I figured did give you some time do get from the airport to message you. How are the cats taking the trip?

Me: the fight was fine, Martez was being loud but the taxi driver let me take him out to comfort him and he's currently curled up in my lap the others are fine. I forgot to turn off airplane mode so the timing is perfect haha I should probably respond to mommy and papa before they worry

Snowi: yeah probably abi and Aslan will worry if ya don't do that soon c:

Me: :3 ye probably

As I switch to Amino I get another notification from abi looks like I should deal with her first.

Abi: have a good flight
Abi: still good?
Abi: have you landed yet?
Abi: did you remember everything?
Abi: are the demon creature okay?
Abi: Em?
Abi: Emmmmmmmmmm?
Abi: you okay love?
Abi: did something happen?
Abi: love?
Abi: Emmmm i want to talkkkk
Abi: Emmmmm
Abi: ooo your papa is home now both of us can spam you
Abi: heyyyy, why aren't you responding?
Abi: is everything all right?
Abi: did something happen?
Abi love?
Abi: I have Jeaha
Abi: ... wow that didn't work dang
Abi: was your flight delayed?
Abi: * pokes your cheek*
Abi: hmmmm what else could get your attention
Abi: did I do something?
Abi: to much spam?
Abi: EMmMmMmM
Abi: I'm going to starve Aslan again
Abi: not that either dang
Abi: I want to say cute fluff about your papa?
Abi: Em? Now I'm worrying
Abi: please be okay, did something happen? Now I'm really worried
Abi: Emmmmm!!!!

Me: hi sorry sorry sorry I'm fine I'm fine, I just forgot to turn airplane mode off so I did t get the notifications don't worry everything of fine sorry for worrying you mommy hugs

Abi: hugs geez you worried me you forgetful child well at least your okay love you sorry for the spam

Me: no no it's fine it made me happy my mom only sent one message and I didn't get any message from my dad so it made my happy to see that at least one of my set of parents had a response to me not checking in once I landed hahaaa love you more ❤️❤️❤️

Abi: ❤️❤️❤️


Me: I should probably respond to papa

Abi: yeah probably

Me: k brb

Aslan: I hope you have a great flight
Aslan: message me when you get off the plane
Aslan: your flight should have landed by now
Aslan: Ember?
Aslan: I guess your flight was delayed
Aslan: I looked it up and it didn't say it was
Aslan: did something happen?
Aslan: maybe it's something with the cats?
Aslan: I hope everything is okay
Aslan: Ria said you haven't responded to her everything okay?
Aslan: Ember I hope everything is okay
Aslan: maybe I'm just worrying I much

Me: I forgot to turn my phone off airplane mode sorry for worrying you papa.

Aslan: ahh don't worry as long as you're safe
Are the cats okay?

Me: Martez isn't the biggest fan of being in the car but others then that they're good

Aslan: that's good

" I'd put the kitty back in the carrier we're almost there." The diver said as we reached the stop sign to turn onto the rode the house is on.

" Oh yeah okay thank you for the heads up." I respond looking up for a second.

Me: I'm almost at the house gtg I'll get on again once the cats are settled tell mommy I had to got plz I need to put martez back in his carrier

Aslan: of course Ember, I hope they settle in well

Me: thanks talk to you later

I put my phone into my purse and start to shift to the side to put Martez back into his carrier." Meowww meowww" he starts meowing as I close the door.

" Shhh shh calm down it's just a few more minutes okay kitty-cat." I whisper to Martez. I feel the can pull over to the curb. We must be to the house.

"Are you going to need any help with the carriers?" The driver ask as I began to get out.

" no don't worry I'll be fine thank you for taking me sir. How much will it be?" I respond as I open the back of the mans car to get the carriers out.

"$24.75. Cash or credit?" The drive responded as I set the carriers on the yard.

"Here you go have and have a nice day." I say as I give the man the amount for the trip.

"You too, and good luck with what ever you're doing here!" The drive responded as he took the money and I closed the doors.

I pick up the carriers stacking one on top of the others using my chin to support it and walk to the door. The door opens as I start to lean down.

" Yay mama chu is here now!" Kitty called out to me. " Do ya need some help? Here let me take that carrier " she said as she took the top carrier.

" Thanks, what do you want for dinner I'll start on it now." I respond with a slight smile on my face.

"Hmmm tacos?" Kitty responded as we were walked into the house.

" Tacos it is, once my cats are simi settled I'll start cooking the meat for it." I respond as we enter the living room and set the carriers down.

" Okay I'll go get the ingredients out and sent them out so that you don't have to do it!" Kitty called out as she left the room. I open the carrier that Sunday was staying in, when I look in he's asleep or just being chill like normal. Martez leaves his carrier and moves to Sunday's as soon as I open his. Friday just wonders around the room. I pick up the carriers without cats in them and walk to my room. As I walk around Friday follows me. I set the carriers down in the corner then walk back to the kitchen.

"Two of my cats are in the carrier in the living room so we'll have to leave them for now I'll move it later." I tell Kitty as I walk into the room." Now then I'll start dinner okay want to stay and talk?"

" Of course, I hope the we meet our Prince Charmings here in collage ya know." Kitty responds talking a set and I begin to cook the meat.

" Personally I'd prefer a dragon" I respond with a laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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