4. Her reaction

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Hermione's POV

That letter caused my entire world to crumble to dust. Mother asked me what it is but my body had switched to autopilot mode. I think I told her something along the lines of my boyfriend ditched me and went up into my room. There was always a silencing charm in my room. As soon as I closed the door, I heard a scream which seemed to come from me but yet sounded so far away. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor. My whole life; my bloody whole life was a lie, a downright lie; I WAS LIVING A LIE.

I was not ready to believe it. My whole existence was JUST a COVER-UP. What about Jean and Dan. They don't even know that I am not their biological daughter !!!!!!!!! Even they have been deceived just like me!

Tears brimmed my eyes and I could only see the blur of my rug through my tears. I started sobbing loudly. My whole body was raking with each sob. I just could not figure out how to calm down, how to stop crying over things that are not in my control. Eventually, I tired myself to a deep undisturbed slumber.






Love Luna 😊 💗

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