I Love My Job

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         The clank of spatulas tapping on the grill was the only thing you heard over your own thoughts. Rare.. Medium Rare... Well done... Did I get the veggies? Blinking back, you check over the plates. Yeah, you got them. Turning over the last slab of meat, you bring it to the last plate.
"Order up Law." You call. Checking over the list briefly.
"Thank you ___, they want a left hand as well." He breathes as he passes by, grabbing the plates. You hum, peering at his earrings when their golden glint draws your gaze.
"What time is it?" You ask, using tongs to retrieve a left hand from the cool bar and placing it on a side dish for him.
"Time to... Get ready for the brothers." He checks his watch.
"Awesome, I got the buckets ready, Kid! Put the tarp down!" You call.
"Shit, already?" He grumbles, disappearing into the back.
"They're not so bad," You hum as you carry out a large bucket of corpse parts.
"You won't say that when they take a bite out of you." Law huffs after serving a table.
Welcome to the Kitchen of the Dead, West Wall. Here you and your two fellow parolees were put here to serve the undead, and various other... People eaters in order to keep Last City safe! Yay you...
There is a similar Kitchen on each wall of the city, here you feed these hungry creatures to keep them at bay while the people up top try to figure out how to escape their impending annihilation. Well, that was before the Z research started to show, odd results-
"Hey. Stop zoning out and help me." Kid headbutts you out of your thoughts. You fall on your butt and frown, rubbing your forehead and tossing him a look. He scowls back the red tainted tarp sat in his arms.
"You're never going to get a girlfriend acting like that." You huff, getting up and dusting yourself off.
"Shut up. Come on. Your fanclub will be here soon." He snorts before he and Law start to setup the tarp table. As they finish, three pale beings push through the swinging doors, shuffling over quietly. The smallest of the three had his tongue hanging out slightly, eyes on the bucket of meat in your arms. You dump the contents of the bucket onto the tarp as Kid and Law rush to get the other buckets.
The three sit down, offering you a glance before digging in hungrily. At first this made you sick to your stomach, it still kinda did but you have a higher tolerance now. Law and Kid carry in some more, piling the meat in front of the three. "You watching them? Some ghouls just came in." Law murmurs to you. You offer a nod as the freckled brother peers at you. Offering him a polite smile, you watch him pause before rather quickly focusing on eating again.
Sometimes they still seemed alive to you, they sometimes would show different expressions as they would leave. It made you wonder if they were smarter than others gave them credit for. A hand rolls away from the blond brother, landing near your feet. You lean over and pick it up. As you straighten up, the blond ceases your hand.
You feel your heart drop, eyes locking on his face. His heavily bloodshot, blue eyes meet yours, his face was terrifyingly close. Your eyes widen slightly but he looks down, taking the hand from you and sitting back, continuing to eat as his eyes train on you again. You relax, trying to calm your heart, looking over as Kid relaxes too, holstering his gun. He shares a wary glance at you before you look back to the blond.
Soon the brothers finish eating and get up. They give you slight bows before starting out. The blond hesitates, looking at you before fumbling slowly through his bloody, formerly blue coat. He retrieves something from a pocket before placing it on the table. You watch him leave before picking up the coin, Kid and Law peer at it carefully.
"Did... I just get a tip from a zombie..." You murmur.
"Looks like it." Kid hums.
"Seems like it could be gold. Lucky." Law wipes at it. You hum and smile a bit.
"Aw... Theyre not so bad." You comment.
"Just ate six chopped up corpses..." Kid frowns as he and Law pick up the now blood and bone covered tarp, dumping the remains down a grinder. You look around as the rest of the undead soon leave.
"Looks like it's finally time to lock up... What was the body count today?" You ask Kid.
"Sixty corpses, eighty undead mouths fed." He answers as you lock the large doors.
"So, what's your plan tonight ___?" Law hums, removing his jumpsuit, underneath he wore a black tanktop and yellow boxers with black tribal markings. You took a moment to respond, admiring his boxers.
"I don't know about Kid but I'm going to the Fights.... I really like those, where did you get them?" You reply with a head tilt. Law pauses, sending Kid a frown.
"Fights again? Haven't you two been in enough trouble?" He scoffs.
"Eh, It's more of an outlet. I hate this job." Kid shrugs, letting the top part of his black jumpsuit fall back. He was shirtless underneath, muscles rippling as he stretches.
"And I think it's fun." You admit, stepping out of your jumpsuit in your tank top and underwear, going over to your bag, you pull out your pants and pull them on, hooking your gun holster to your thigh.
"Fun? I'll never understand you." Law shakes his head, pulling on his pants as well.
"I'm a mystery." You boast, grabbing your twin hook swords.
"You're crazy you mean... I can't imagine anyone else running on the outer walls with those things out there." Kid scoffs.
"They're fun to watch from up there, they swarm below like ants sometimes... But mostly they ignore me." You murmur thoughtfully, pre-wrapping your arms. You glance up to Kid and smirk. "Race you there."
"You're on." He says, taking off. You take off for the ladder.
"Be careful ___..." Law calls after you as you climb up. You smile to yourself, pushing the latch open and climbing onto the roof of the kitchen. You run to the giant wall that protected the city, and linked the kitchen to it. With a leap, you latch the hook of one of your sword to an indent in the wall. Your sword slides along the edge as you start to walk on the wall before sprinting along it. A giggle escapes you as you peer over at the groups of undead that were scattered over the wastelands. Some gather below you, clawing at the wall lightly. Others stand by and watch.
Moving across the wall, your mind wanders, looking out at the setting sun over the horizon. You reach the corner of the wall and flip onto the wall, peering at the arena. This was in the corner of the city, where soldiers, street rats, and trouble makers brawled. Using your hook sword, you slide down the wall to the street, walking over to the crowd and peering over as Kid appears.
"Beat ya." You smirk, flipping him off. He scowls, coming over and pushing you lightly.
"Punk." He scoffs as you two start to play fight. The gates soon open and the fighters file into the arena.
"Welcome fighters. Today we'll be doing something different! Do to over crowding of fighters, today, the losers will be fed- to the undead that is!" Donquixote Doflamingo grins down at the fighters. You straighten, sharing a glance with Kid.
"He's kidding right?" Kid breathes.
"Unauthorized feedings will cause trouble..." You frown lightly.
"This will also help up the excitement." The blond man snaps his fingers and a platform rises up from the center. A moment later, the other gates open, and the first undead staggers out. You and Kid pale, rushing with the others onto the platform. As soon as the last fighter jumps through the ropes, the platform lifts higher, leveling with the arena viewing seats.
"He's serious..." You frown. Kid looks down as the undead crowd around the platform.
"Too late to back out now.... Of all the messed up shit..." The red head growls. You look at Kid, offering a tight smile.
"Don't lose."

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