I was here
You were there
Something happened
You didn't know
I didn't know
It was too much I couldn't show
I didn't know what to say
God help me what a day
I want to scream
I want to shout
Is this a dream?
No, please tell me how?
I want to scream
No one would hear
I want to cry
But I don't know why
I want to cry
Cry in a corner
But I have have no where
I am lost
Will you find me
Save me from me
The voices they scream
Is this a dream?
I want to fall for you
But will you catch me?
Catch me when I fall
I wonder if it's me you see
I want to bury myself in your arms
But every time I see you I don't know what happens
The sirens they go off and there go the alarms
What is this I feel?
Is it love? Is it pain?
Where am I going on this train?
What will I feel?
I am dragged by my hair
On this endless journey
I am left in despair
It feels so sweet just like honey
But just so bitter
Is this what it is to feel bitter sweet
I am torn
But I feel so warm
You are beautiful just like a rose
But I am afriad of all your thorns
Will you catch me?
Catch me when I fall
Or will you drop me?
Drop me on the thorns
I fall with my heart
It falls and shatters
Was it you? Or was it me?
I fall inside my soul
My life flashes
My whole life
It burns to Ashes
I see things
The memories they come
Help me where from?
I thought I let go
But it just shows
The pain it never goes
A father beats a mother
My heart is cold my shoulders shudder
In pain she screams
Is this a dream?
No this was because of me
Why? Why am I part of him?
And he a part of me?
I hear her scream
I wake up
Was it a dream?
No that happened because of me
I want to cry
I want to hide
But I have no where
In your arms I wish to be
But that certainly is only a dream
I am not worthy
He is a part of me
I a part of him
But no
I refuse this
Like him I will never be
But I am still weak
The guilt it drowns me
The dark blood fills my lungs
I choke on the guilt
I see a mothers face frown
But you walked past me
Your face it beamed
Surely you're an Angel
An Angel I would sin for
You were a rose
I could see not a thorn
You made me feel soo warm
Warm but torn
What is this I felt?
Was it love? Was it pain?
I am at home
But is this my own?
The knife it feels so cold
I want to do this but I am not bold
I wanted you
But did you want me?
I close my eyes
But what is this is see?
Am I filled with glee?
Or is this fear
What do I feel?
A single tear
Nothing more nothing less
It falls but why?
I see your face it beams
The same face that saved me from me
Saved me frome the memories
But how?
And why do I cry?
Am I not happy?
Happy you saved me
But how?
Do you even know my name?
But do I even know your name?
I am lost
I see you again
You were with your friends
I was alone
I felt like I had come to an end
You are near me
I fear and run
Who would've knew?
Little did I know that the car had come
I'm hit stunned
Was this supposed to be?
Why all this to me?
I hear foot steps
You fall beside me and hold my head
I fill with warmth
Your hands hold my head
Your tears wash my face
I am left in a daze
I look at your face
My heart fills with joy
It is still as beautiful as ever
And it will always be forever
I lost my heart
But you found it
I was afraid of me
But you saved me for me
I didn't know your name
But I wanted to call you mine
I am torn for you
I close my eyes
Darkness fills in
But brightness seems to take me
Am I dreaming?
I guess Seeing is deceiving
And deaming is believing
Then I wisper I love you...
Help you.
PoetrySometimes you never know what hits you. Is it this or is it that? Was it you or was it it me? What do I feel? Why? But you just can't say it...